Talk:Kopasa'mada-pattern plasma launcher

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Revision as of 20:22, September 4, 2010 by FatalSnipe117 (talk | contribs) (→‎Counterpart?)
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The weapon seems to have a similar tracking mechanism to the human Missile Pod, but fires plasma based explosives. Maybe this weapon is similar to how the Covenant ships use Plasma Torpedos?

Capt. Daget J. Sparrow 06:45, March 5, 2010 (UTC)

When I first saw this gun in the multiplayer trailer, I thought of it as a mix between a Spartan Laser, Missile Pod, and the Fuel Rod gun. But hey, that's just my opinion. --"We are not backing down now. Besides, I dont like losing, remember?" User: Yugiohtipman34 08:13, March 5, 2010 (UTC)

Guess we got ourselves a little Covenant Spartan Laser...

It seems to me that the weapon is similar to the Covenant starship based plasma torpedoes but smaller. Just looking at the PoA getting hit by Plasma Torpedoes and then the Warthod getting bashed makes me think they're related. But i'm probably wrong and bungie will make up some crap excuse of such a good looking weapon.XW3 AR3 L3GION 21:43, March 21, 2010 (UTC)

What's this about some "crap" excuse? Quite frankly I think that's a tad egotistical of you to say the least.--Zervziel 05:35, March 22, 2010 (UTC)

Hmm, when it fires it seriously sounds like the Anti Air Wraith when its shooting. A possible fuel rod gun variant?Bottletopman 08:23, March 22, 2010 (UTC)

Its a Covenant/Sangheili "Plasma Grenade Launcher". -- Falconeye 21:33, May 6, 2010 (UTC)


The Plasma Launcher has been hard to classify, but now with the revealing of the Concussion Rifle and the return of the Fuel Rod Gun, I think the situation becomes clearer. The Concussion Rifle is the counterpart to the M319 Grenade Launcher, the Fuel Rod Gun is the counterpart to the Rocket Launcher, and since the Plasma Launcher is an anti-vehicle homing weapon, it is the counterpart to the Spartan Laser.--FluffyEmoPenguin 16:39, June 17, 2010 (UTC)

I second that opinion. Grenade Launcher with the Concussion Rifle, Rocket Launcher with the Flak Cannon, and the Spartan Laser with the Plasma Launcher. Both the Plasma Launcher and Spartan Laser also share the similarity of having a targeting screen on side of both weapons. -TheLostJedi 17:40, August 8, 2010 (UTC)
Not everything is necessarily just a Covenant version of a UNSC weapon.
Think about this for a second folks; the Spartan laser is pinpoint accurate. The Plasma Launcher is also pinpoint accurate, just in a different way, it homes in on targets. The Splaser is the counterpart. Que Sera, Sera 00:22, September 5, 2010 (UTC)