Inside Mechanite Mountain, ONI's CASTLE Base is located on the planet of Reach, two thousand meters below the Highland Mountains. Protected by massive amounts of granite, it is virtually bombproof, well defended and impenetrable.[1] CASTLE Base could withstand the force equivalent to an 80 megaton nuclear blast. The complex was originally a titanium mine, but was closed down after the mine breached the Forerunner complex below.

Dr. Catherine Halsey had an office in CASTLE Base, as did Colonel James Ackerson. The Spartan-IIs were familiar with CASTLE Base. During the First Battle of Reach, the base was Delta Team's fallback position. William-043, Vinh-030 and Isaac-039 arrived here. They were soon accompanied by Fredric-104 and Kelly-087. It turned out that Dr. Halsey was left in the base as well in order to activate Operation: WHITE GLOVE to prevent the Covenant from getting UNSC technologies.

When the Covenant breached the base, Dr. Halsey was forced to put operation: WHITEGLOVE into action and destroy the base, forcing Dr. Halsey and the Spartans into the titanium mines below.


  • Level Aqua
    • Section Lambda
      • Armory
  • Level Scarlet
    • Omega Wing
      • Dr. Halsey's Office[1]
    • Medical Wing
      • Cold Storage Facilities
      • Surgical Bays
  • Level Lavendar
    • Section Sigma
      • Elevator Shaft
