41 article edits
Basic info

Ted Brenalvirez




April 12th


October 18, 2010



Recent activity
Sent a message to Jman98
Sent a message to Noble901
"Nevermind. I figured it out on my own."
Sent a message to Noble901
"How do you do those cool board things? I saw that you asked another guy..."
Sent a message to Rusty-112
"That's a pretty kickass emblem you got there."
Sent a message to Mythic Warrior
"Hey, what gun is that as your avatar?"
Received an award
Received an award
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Hobbies & interests

West Side Story, The Matrix, Clear and Present Danger, Red Dawn NCIS, NCIS: LA, Regular Show, Adventure Time, The Walking Dead, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, America's Got Talent, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, CNN in general Queen, Rolling Stones Pretty much anything by Tom Clancy Halo series, Fallout series, GRAW 2, Rainbow Six Vegas, Crysis 2, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, Battlefield series. Newsweek, Popular Science, Time magazine, New York Times (the newspaper, not the magazine, I just didn't know where to put this), Game Informer Steak, ribs, burgers, Twix, Breyer's Rocky Road ice cream, green apples with crunchy peanut butter. Dr. Pepper (w/ or w/o real sugar), Throwback Mountain Dew(only with real sugar), fat free milk, banana milkshakes

Favorite Halo moment

Learning Master Chief survived after sitting through the end credits of Halo 3

Worst Halo moment

I cried when I thought Chief died at the end of Halo 3. Glad I sat through the credits, though.

Anything else

I write fanfiction. About Halo, and other video games. They're all crossovers with MLP. Problem?

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(Yes, I'm aware of what it is. :P)