
Halo Graphic Novel: The Last Voyage Of The Infinite Succor

  • "Kusovai is our best in Sword combat, so I had to use other means to defeat him. I achieved victory at the cost of my own life, a tactic that can only be used once, but still a valid one. Due to his superior skills he could have ended the fight in a way that did not end his life, but chose not to think so... creatively."
  • "It is an insignificant injury. It will heal." - When Kusovai apologized for hurting him.
  • "We have been assigned to guard the Fleet, Sub-Commander. There is an honor in any duty that serves the Covenant, and so we must accept our place within the design of the Supreme Commander." - When Kusovai expressed his wish to go to the Alpha Halo's surface and test himslef fighting Humans.
  • "Warriors, we are on a mission. The Infinite Succor has been boarded by unknown hostile forces, but we suspect the Demon is involved. If we meet the Demon we will destroy it for the honor of the Covenant, but we must remain alert for other threats. Only the Legate on board can override these codes so we should have complete control of its systems, assuming he has not been compromised. Sub-Commander Kusovai will see that you all get the codes." - Speaking to his forces, before leaving the Seeker of Truth in the Glorious Advance.
  • "The information on the ship and its crew are also stored in this data. Study it on the way over. We may be exiting the Phantom in a combat zone so have all weapons readied now." - To his forces, leaving the Seeker of Truth.
  • "Secured. The Hangar is ours. Use the forward doors, and move to the Bridge, four by four cover pattern." - Once him and his forces reached the Infinite Succor.
  • "These tracks are the clearest sign of Human activity. We will follow this tracks until we catch up with those who made them." - After the Unggoy told him, that he found something.
  • "This does not look like a Human attack. Barbaric as they are, I have never seen them do something like this." - When they've found Huragok remains tored apart.
  • "Sub Commander, take the fist squad and the Unggoy and loop around the right flank. Squad two and I will hit it from the front. If the target is identified as hostile, eliminate it." - When the Unggoy's Motion Tracker showed something.
  • "It's reading as some sort of parasitic infestation. It is not matching up with anything in our database."
  • "The Humans are not responsible for this. Stand ready, hold fire." - When large Flood form was found.
  • "This is no Human attack. All soldiers, destroy them."
  • "Warriors, go to Energy Blades. They're the most effective weapons. Unggoy, stay behind the Sangheili and give covering fire. Stay out of reach." - After the first wave of Flood.
  • "Fall back, our new objective is the Bridge."
  • "Lock down every door beetwen here and the Bridge after the pass." - After the fight on the Bridge.
  • "Warn the Fleet and have them prepare to destroy this ship on my command. Bring the self - destruct system online." - In the Infinite Succor's Control Room..
  • "Use the command override codes." - When the self - destruct system wasn't going to the online status.
  • "That means the Legate has..." - About override codes.
  • "Legate, please re-enable self destruct so we may eliminate this infestation." - To the Legate, by the screens.
  • "Legate, we cannot save this ship. It must be destroyed if our enemy is to be defeated." - When the Legate refused to turn on the self destruct system.
  • "We do not have time for this, Legate! I have lost several men, we are low on ammunition, and..." - When the Legate ordered him to go the Medical Bay to check, if they're not infected.
  • "He's no longer our comrade, but our enemy! For his glory, soldiers of the Covenant, attack!" - When infected Sangheili appeared in the Control Room.
  • "Fall back through the other door and to medical. Unggoy, destroy the Bridge. We cannot let them access the ship's controls." - Fighting the Flood in the Control Room.
  • "Then they have our command codes. We need to find the Legate."
  • "There is a plasma battery up-ahead." - Fighting the Flood.
  • "Kusovai. Take the men to the other side of the battery and put at least five doors beetwen you and it. Then meet me in medical in five minutes." - To Kusovai.
  • "Good." - When Kusovai told him, that he is not infected.
  • "The Legate has some access to the ship's systems, so use the diagnostic units to scan yourselves and enter it into the ship's computer so he can see the results."
  • "Excellent, Sub-Commander." - When Kusovai told, that he visited weapons locker.
  • "We will have to summon back the Phantom visually then. That also cuts us off completely from the Fleet." - When Kusovai told him, that the plasma turret overload has shorted out some equipment and a radio.
  • "Legate, as you can see, we are not infected." - In the Medical Bay, to the Legate, by the screens.
  • "I grow tired of this hunt. We are going one floor down using the Grav Lift down the hall. Sub-Commader, take rear."
  • "Can you pressurize the vacuum areas, Legate?" - After the Legate has explained to him, what Flood is and asked, how he is going to keep him safe.
  • "Legate, it will take five minutes to reach the hangar, five to board the Phantom due to our lack of radio comms, and another fifteen to get the Fleet into firing position with the proper authorizations in place." - When the Legate have protested against Rtas' plans.
  • "Now you will be quiet and let my men do their duty. Our prime concern is the safety of the Covenant. Not you."
  • "It would be a simple matter to make it appear you died in the Flood attack. Now give me your command codes." - When he crushed Legate over the floor.
  • "There are significant Flood numbers beyond this door. The hallway ahead leads to engineering. We will clear a path with Grenades, then use Energy Blades to prevent damaging any systems we may need there." - After another fight with the Flood.
  • "You will not. I will assure it." - When the dying Sangheili told him, that he don't want to become a Flood.
  • "Though you leave this world, you will come on the Great Journey, when the time comes." - Killing the Sangheili, not leting the Flood to absorbe him.
  • "Die with honor."
  • "You will find that difficult, abomination." - To the infected Legate who told him, that the Flood will spread.
  • "Though you leave this world, you will come on the Great Journey, when the time comes." - Striking the final blow the infected Kusovai.
  • "Die with honor."
  • "If it takes my death, so be it. You will not defeat the Covenant." - To the infected Legate.

Halo 2 Scripted Dialog

  • "When we joined the Covenant, we took an oath!" - Speaking to the troops on Phantom.
  • "On the blood of our fathers, on the blood of our sons! We swore to uphold the Covenant!"
  • "Those who would break this oath are Heretics, worthy of neither pity, nor mercy! Even now they use our lords' creations to broadcast their lies!"
  • "And continue our march to glorious salvation!"
  • "This armor suits you. But it cannot hide that mark." - To the Arbiter.
  • "You are the Arbiter, the will of the Prophets. But these are my Elites. Their lives matter to me. Yours does not."
  • "We'll be long gone before it arrives." - About a storm near the Gas Mine.
  • "Warriors, prepare for combat!"
  • "We are the arm of the Prophets, Arbiter, and you are the blade. Be silent and swift, and we shall quell this heresy without incident." - In the beginning of level The Arbiter.
  • "The storm has masked our approach and it should have their local Battlenet in disarray. We have the element of surprise . .. For now."
  • "You may wish to do the same, Arbiter, but take heed: your armor's system is not as ... new as ours. Your camouflage will not last forever." - About Arbiter's Active Camouflage.
  • "We've tracked the leader to this part of the station. Clear that landing zone and get inside." - When Arbiter is near one of the platforms.
  • "That stench...I've smelled it before." - To the Arbiter, in the beginning of The Oracle level.
  • "He's using a holodrone. He must be close. Come out, so we may kill you."
  • "Go, Arbiter! I'll follow when our reinforcements arrive."
  • "Warriors, return to the landing zone! The Arbiter is going to continue up through this station, cut the cable, and scare the Heretic from his hole!" - To his troops.
  • "Keep your blade handy. I doubt the cable can withstand its bite." - When Arbiter has a Energy Sword to cut the cables.
  • "All my Phantoms are in the air, Arbiter. Go ahead, cut that cable!" - To the Arbiter, in the area with three cables.
  • "That's one! By the Prophets, look at the station list!" - When the first cable is cut.
  • "One final cable, Arbiter!" - When the second cable is cut.
  • "That did it! The station is in free fall!" - When the third and last cable is cut.
  • "Are you still alive, Arbiter? We're keeping pace as best we can."
  • "This is unprecedented... Unacceptable." - To the Prophet of Truth, after changing the Guard.
  • "No, Holy One! I only wish to express my concern that the Brutes..."
  • "I shall relay ... your decision ... to the Council."
  • "We must hold this camp until reinforcements arrive."
  • "We shall cut into the heart of this infestation, retrieve the Icon, and burn any Flood that stand in our way!" - Speaking to his Elites in the level Quarantine Zone.
  • "The Parasite is not to be trifled with. I hope you know what you are doing." - To the Arbiter.
  • "Forward, warriors. And fear not pain or death. Go Arbiter; I'll follow when our reinforcements arrive." - In the level Quarantine Zone.
  • "Keep moving, I'm on my way."
  • "Arbiter, I'm sending some of my best fighters to assist you. Do not squander their talents."
  • "There, Arbiter. That Scarab's main gun will break the Control Room's door. At the far end of the beach there's a passage into the cliff. It'll take you up to the Scarab."
  • "The Brutes control the cruiser, Arbiter. I'll remain here, make sure no reinforcements get in behind you. Then, I'm going to take the cruiser back!"

Halo 2 Gameplay Dialog

  • "I'll assume that was an accident" - When shot or hit.
  • "Careful, Arbiter." - If shot or hit.
  • "Fine then! Be that way! I'll show you how it's done." - If player is trying to kill Rtas.
  • "Just give it back when you're done." - If you take his Sword.
  • "I'm going to assume that was a mistake" - If you shoot him.
  • "Speak your mind, Arbiter." - If you stare at him.
  • "Watch and learn!" - If you stare at him.
  • "Follow me to victory!" - When staring at him.
  • "I stand ready." - When staring at him.
  • "Who do not have time for games, and even if we did... This looks kind of stupid." - When staring at him.
  • "What is it, Arbiter?" - When you stare at him.
  • "Grenade out!" - When throwing a Grenade.
  • "How many is that now?" - An Elite.

"Stop bragging! We have a job to do." - Rtas.

  • "Your armor is quite impressive. Might I try your hat?" - When staring at him.
  • "I stare at you, you stare at me. I fail to see the point." - When staring at him.
  • "You will not hear me whine." - When shot or hit.
  • "I've had much worse." - When shot or hit.
  • "My blood is up." - When staring at him.
  • "Not very smart, brother." - When hit by player.
  • "Another victory for the Elites." - After all enemies are dead.

Halo 3 Scripted Dialog

  • "That will not be necessary." - To Lord Hood.
  • "Did you not hear? Your world is doomed. A Flood army, a Gravemind, has you in its sights! You barely survived a small contamination." - To Lord Hood.
  • "One single Flood spore can destroy a species. Were it not for the Arbiter's counsel, I would have glassed your entire planet!" - To Lord Hood.
  • "Then it is an even fight. All Cruisers, fire at will! Burn their mongrel hides!" - Ordering to fire at Brute ships, the beginning of level The Ark.

Orders and comments given by COM, level The Ark:

  • "Now, close for the finish!" -
  • "Hit them again! And again! And again!"
  • "Let your cannons roar."
  • "Broadside! What fools to face our guns!"
  • "No, I will handle those myself."
  • "Stay away from those cruisers!"
  • "Full Shields! Ramming Speed!"
  • "I give an honor for that kill."
  • "Suppress with me, point laser batteries."
  • "Forward lasers, draw their fire."
  • "They have been gutted stem to stern."

  • "Not bad, Spartan. I saw that explosion from orbit. Truth's fleet lies in ruins. Find where the liar hides... so I may place my boot between his gums!" - When Master Chief destroys the Scarab, level The Ark.
  • "Things look different without the Prophets' lies clouding my vision. I would like to see our own world - to know that it is safe." - To the Arbiter, on board of the Shadow of Intent.