Separatist Phantom

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The Separatist Phantom is a modified variant of the Type-52 Troop Carrier Phantom Dropship in use by the Covenant Separatist armed forces during the Great Schism. It differs little in terms of its usage, but it has several distinctions that separate it from its predecessor.


The Separatist Phantom, like the Covenant Phantom, is roughly equivalent to the UNSC Pelican Dropship in terms of function and performance, more so than the Spirit Dropship that preceded even the Phantom in service. It is used by the Separatists for the transport of armed combat teams, primarily composed of Sangheili infantry, into combat zones, making use of its active camouflage generators to fade from sight, making them difficult to find, allowing them to continue to support ground teams even in heavy combat. Like newer versions of the original Phantom, the Separatist Phantom incorporates a chin-mounted Heavy Plasma Cannon, as well as two side-mounted plasma cannons to support ground forces and engage aerial threats.

The Separatists use the Phantom little different to its Covenant counterpart, and it remains a troop transport intended to support ground forces. However, the inclusion of an active camouflage generator on such a scale means that it is capable of better stealth, improving its effectiveness. The fact that it is now painted green, presumably in keeping with Elite aesthetic tastes, is somewhat compensated for the fact that it allows it to blend into foliage and, when nowhere near foliage, can activate its camouflage anyway.

Combat Capabilities

File:Separatist Phantom.jpg
The Separatist Phantom. Note the new green hull.

The Separatist Phantom's primary purpose is as a troop carrier, delivering armed forces into combat zones, using its speed, manoeuvrability and armament to alow it to penetrate enemy lines, deliver its teams, and then provide Close Air Support to the deployed forces. Its Heavy Plasma Cannon is capable of dealing with threats from light ground vehicles and airborne hostiles, such as Banshees, and its side mounted turrets are used to fire on enemy infantry forces to support ground teams or cover them as they embark/disembark.

The Separatist Phantom is capable of deploying troops in a variety of ways. The sides of the hull protecting the passenger section are collapsable, allowing large numbers to disembark quickly in combat while covered by a gunner operating the plasma cannon. Alternatively, ground forces can be deployed from a ventrally mounted anti-gravity generator, allowing the craft to deploy its passengers without landing and making itself vulnerable, though because only a single individual can deploy at a time this method is slower.

Character Compatability


Halo 3


  • The Separatist Phantom is the only Separatist craft seen distinctive from its COvenant counterparts. Separatist capitol ships appear little different, and other vehicles have yet to be seen.