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The Load Glitch occurs in Halo 3 when a player can see an empty part of the map. This is an unloaded area of graphics. The effect is similar to being on the edge of a map where the map does not render, however this is usually in the foreground. Many load glitches can be seen when in Theater camera, and one flies to a point ahead of where the person is playing.
One of these glitches occurs on the Halo 3 level Halo. In the second building before Johnson's Warthog. In order to produce the glitch, proceed through the building but before leaving on your Warthog, go back to the door in which you arrived. Occasionally, you will see the door open but you cannot go through, and it displays screen bleed (known to game developers as the hall of mirrors effect). During a Co-op game, it displays what your partner sees without a Heads Up Display (HUD). At other times when returning to the door, you will find it closed, and other times it will be open. The cause of this trigger is not yet known.
Another load glitch can be performed on the level The Storm. Have both players get on a Mongoose and drive up to the closed door where you just came from. Have the driver back into the closed door with the Mongoose and then get off. The remaining player who sits in the passenger seat should still be on the Mongoose. Have the passenger exit after the driver gets off and the game should freeze for a second. When the game unfreezes the Scarab and rest of the enemies should be gone and the door you would usually go through after defeating the Scarab should uncover an image of the back side on the level.
Another load glitch can be performed on the level Cortana. After saving her, continue the level until you have to fall through a hole, have a player wait at the top of the hole, go down and walk until there is a little freeze or a loading, now the door should have been replaced by the mirror effect.