9 article edits
Greetings, I am Sor, the keeper of AIs and other information. Take care to analyze....
(other account: Pixelia = status - unable to enter)
My AIs:
- Pixelia - A UNSC AI stationed aboard a human scout ship. She takes the form of a woman with electrical hair, wearing a long dress, coloured hot pink. Extremely rampant.
- Iris - A secretive AI of unknown origin, coloured deep purple.
- Tina - An AI created by a scientist. She takes the form of a female ninja, coloured dark blue.
- Tykon - A tormented AI created by a seemingly normal human civilian. He takes the form of a human surfer with wet hair, coloured light blue. Waves can be seen imaged in his body.
My name is Philippa and I am an avid player of Halo and reader of Animorphs.
I became interested in Halo when my brother, Luke bought it.