The following is a list of quotes said by Pete Stacker.
Halo: Combat Evolved Scripted Dialog
- "Go, go, go! Pile out people, let's move!" - In the beginning of level The Silent Cartographer.
- "Hey, I didn't know you made house calls, Foehammer!" - To Carol Rawley after killing all the Covenant forces in the beach, level The Silent Cartographer.
- "Second Squad! Ready to roll, soon as everybody's topside!" - By O.S.
- "Dammit! Okay, people, we got company comin', let's set the table. Engage enemy forces on sight!" - After Foehammer informed the Second Squad about Covenant air forces approaching.
- "Negative! They're closin' in too fast, negative!" - When Cortana suggested to engage the enemy inside the structure.
- "Chief! You gotta find the Cartographer! We'll keep 'em busy as long as we can!"
Halo 2 Scripted Dialog
- "We're operational, Ma'am, barely. Our pilots didn't make it." - To Cortana, level Outskirts.
- "Chief! Glad you could make it. Crash site's on the other side of this hotel, Chief. Covenant are crawling all over it. Follow me." - When reached the Hotel Zanzibar area.
- "Stay outta sight." - In the Hotel Zanzibar corridor.
- "Could use you on the gun, Chief!" - Driving the Gauss Warthog (However, when playing on Heroic, Sergeant Johnson appears as the driver of the warthog instead).
- "We got a Ghost inbound!" - Level Metropolis.
- "Fall back, fall back!" - Being under fire by Phantom, level Metropolis.
- "I'll drive." - On the first Gondola, level Regret
Halo 3 Scripted Dialog
Some of these quotes may belong to him or to Sergeant Reynolds.
- "Get those turrets up! Watch your fields of fire!" - In the level Crow's Nest.
- "Quiet. Cut the chatter."
- "Calm before the storm, Marines. Enjoy it."
- "Point of entry, best assessment?" - In the cave area, level Crow's Nest.
- "Agreed. Master Chief, get there." - About getting to a hangar.
- "Agreed. Chief, Arbiter. Get there." - In Co-op.
- "Drones! A whole swarm! Take 'em down!! Short, controlled bursts!!" - In Ops Center.
- "You did the best you could, Sir. Let's get the survivors up to the hangar. There's an elevator just outside the barracks." - To the Master Chief, in Co-op.
- "I repeat: My convoy's been hit. I've got wounded... We're on the Tsavo Highway about... East of Voi. Someone, anyone, please, respond!" - By COM, level Tsavo Highway.
- "We were en route to Voi, Chief. Banshees jumped us, started strafing. Pretty much ruined our day." - To the Master Chief.
- "Marines in Voi really needed my supplies, Chief. But I'm pretty sure they'll be plenty happy to see you." - In a Warthog with the Master Chief, riding into tunnel blocked by Shield Barrier.
- "Take down that barrier, Chief. Power Supply should be inside the tunnel." - If you wait to lower the Energy Barrier.
- "Chief, the barrier only works against vehicles. You should be able to walk right through."
- "Ready when you are, Chief. Open the door, take point; we'll cover you with the .50!" - In the beginning of the level The Storm.
- "Hey... hows ninety millimeters of tungsten strike ya?" - When you first get a Tank in Halo 3.
- "All armor, form up on the lower doorway. Chief, get upstairs; have your robot pick that lock!" - On the level the The Ark.
- "Yeah, well... you're also our ticket through this wall. So if you don't mind...?" - To 343 Guilty Spark.
- "All armor, form up! Hit 'em where it hurts!"
- "First line clear! Move up!" - When the two Wraith's are destroyed.
- "Second line: clear! Push forward!"
- "Bravo, flank and cover! I want everybody supportin' the Chief; he'll take it down!"
- "Brace yourselves; we're going in a little hot!" - After the Pelican was hit in the beginning of the level The Covenant.
- "Alright, up the beach! Take out that Wraith!
- "Hornets inbound!" - In the level The Covenant.
Gameplay Quotes
Halo: Combat Evolved
Random Funny Quotes:
- "It always pays to make sure." - Shooting a Covenant body.
- "FALL BACK!" - When Marines are getting quickly killed, note that even though he gives the order to fall back, no one falls back, not even him.
- "He's an idiot, about to become a DEAD idiot."
- Oh!" - When getting hit.
- "You are ALL gonna die!" - After becoming severely injured and extremely angry.
- "You got insurance on this thing?" - When you drive a Warthog badly.
- "Rock n' Roll, let's get ready people!" - When sighting a far-off enemy.
- "Break out the butter, because you are about to get fried!" - Engaging enemies on a Warthog gun.
When you hit him:
- "Wear your glasses, boy!"
- "What is WRONG with you?"
When you start team killing:
- "My men are not the enemy!"
- "I'd love it if you'd stop killing my men!"
- "A favor! Don't kill the men!"
When you get killed for team killing:
- "Jackass"
- "Oh, Captain's not gonna like this one..."
When you die:
- "Cortana?!! Cortana, can you hear me in there?!!"
- "Somebody call Keyes, tell him what happened..."
When driving:
- "Alright, start digging a hole, someone start digging a hole."
- "Damn damn damn damn DAMN!!!"
- "We are bulled over!"
- "This sucks with a capital K!" - When the Chief dies.
When throwning grenade:
- "It is over!"
When Marine/Chief throw grenade:
- "Grenade! It's live!! It's LIVE!!!"
- Grenade! Get the HELL OUTTA THERE!!!"
Halo 2
- "You can't be that bad on purpose, Chief". - When you shoot him.
"You all right?" - Marine
- "Where the hell did you learn to drive?" - When the Chief drives a Warthog badly with Stacker on board.
- "Keep it up and you might be on my good side." - When the Chief scores a lot of kills.
- "You got two hands, you used them before, use them now!" - When the Chief misses a lot of shots.
- "Hey, you made that look easy!" - When the Chief kills an enemy with a headshot.
- "I'll pretend that was an accident, Chief." - When you shoot him.
- "That's what I call a team effort, lets get ready, people!" - When 2 or more Marines kill an enemy.
- "That is why you got the I in Chief." - When the Master Chief clears the area of enemies.
- "You do not have the right to wear the beret!" - When the Chief misses a lot of shots.
Marine: "Hey! That was mine!"
- "Hey, if you suck, it's your own damn fault." - Stacker.
- "Hey, anyone got earplugs?" - While climbing into the Warthog Gunner seat (He says the same in Halo 3).
- "I can't hold a grudge against you." - If you kill too many Marines and you stop.
- "If my face looked like a squid, I'd be angry, too!" - Taunting an Elite.
- "That'll be one dollar for the first minute, ten cents after that." — When given a bad weapon.
- "Man, I could make a mess with this!" - If given a power weapon.
- "Don't cry, you're gonna make me feel bad." - After killing an enemy.
- "Man, you're shooting like you got a cheat code!" - If you shoot bullets and miss your targets a lot.
- "Next time I need a taxi you're the man to call, Chief!" - Outskirts after you jump something in the Warthog and land safely
- "These Marines look up to you, Chief." - If you kill a Marine.
- "How are you still alive?" - After the Chief misses a lot of shots.
- "Does the word training mean anything to you?" - When you shoot him.
- "Ew! You make my mother-in-law look pretty!" - When attacking an Elite.
- "Suck it, split-lip!" - Taunting an Elite.
Marine: "Stupid alien!"
- "Uh, leave the cursing to the professionals, son." - Stacker.
- " owe me big time." - If given a bad weapon.
- "You are lucky that breathing is an involuntary reflex." - If the Chief becomes injured.
- "Hey! Mr. Spaghetti!" - Seeing an Elite.
- "Boy, he's so ugly when he cries the tears roll down the back of his ears!" - Upon seeing a Elite.
Halo 3
- "This is gonna be a nightmare for the hazmat people." - Regarding the Flood infestation of Voi.
- "Hey, Hey, Hey!" - To Master Chief upon entering a Warthog.
- "Once more with feeling, let's go, people." - When engaging a target.
- "You split-chin bastard!" - To an Elite.
- "Hey, I heard you fellows taste JUST LIKE CHICKEN!" - taunting Jackals.
- "I'm sorry. Your name is... uh..." - When he accidentally kills a Marine.
- "He's dead." - When a Marine is killed.
- "You big footed, ugly sucker!" - Taunting a Brute.
- "I'm gonna send you all the way back to Planet Jackass!" - The Storm, when fighting a Scarab after destroying the last Anti-Air Wraith.
- "Don't eat that donut!" - said Crow's Nest with IWHBYD Skull on.
- "I want HOT BARRELS people! POUR IT ON EM!" - When engaging a large group of enemies.
- "What in the hell-?" - When getting shot.
- "Swap 'em for the mag." - When switching weapons with the Chief.
- "Grenades are like RAM. You can never have too much." - After the Chief or a Marine gets a grenade kill.
- "This is too much!! Even for a Pete! Aaaaah!" - Said when he takes damage.
- "Ever heard of a fair trade?" - when given a bad weapon
- "Chief can I be your friend?" - When the chief get's multiple kills
- "I don't need bodies, I just need a count." - After all enemies and some Marines are dead.
- "Damn, I look good!" - After getting a lot of kills quickly.
- "Dodge that, ya son of a bitch!" - After finally killing an enemy.
- "Next one who dies gets double duty, have to do my laundry " - When a Marine dies.
- "My mom thought I was gonna be a doctor!" - After killing an enemy.
- "Sir, we have to develop what we call trust." - After the Chief steals his kill.
- "Hey! Where's the morphine?" - When he gets hit by enemy fire.
- "Fall in over here!" - When Marines are getting killed.
Marine: "Yeah, you got it... Will there be snacks?"
- "Keep firing! Let's spend some of that taxpayer money!" - When engaging enemies.
- "There is no radio. Quit looking for it and drive!" - When you flip a Warthog, IWHBYD Skull may be required.
- "When you die, I'm gonna be a happy, happy man." - When attacking a Brute.
- "I didn't like him either, but DAMN!" - After you get killed.
- "Let God sort 'em out!" - Engaging enemies.
- "Hey! No one said, 'freeze tag'!" - If the Master Chief/Arbiter and all surrounding allies are inactive for a while.
- "That's fine and all... but you still owe me twenty bucks." - When given a good weapon.
- "I hope you're not all talk, Marine." - When a Marine taunts an enemy.
- "Yo mama's so ugly, her tears run down the back of her head!" - Taunting a Brute.
- "Pour it on, Marines, you aren't paying for the rounds!" - Engaging enemies.
- "Oh, crap!" - When stuck by a Grenade.
- "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"
- "You're breathing, you had me worried." - If the Chief becomes injured.
- "Nice pause but the world ain't gonna save itself." - If the Chief stares at him.
- "A plan is a beautiful thing when it works. This is a beautiful thing." - After area is cleared.
- "According to the manual, you're a dumb ass!" - Taunting an enemy.
- "Damn, that hurts! Oh crap..." - When stuck by a Spike Grenade.
- "French fried ugly! Favorite dish!" - After killing an enemy.
- "Hey there, blue bastard! You're gonna die!"
- "I'm gonna carve a lucky charm outta you, meat head!"
- "Hey, Mr. Latrine - is that a toilet on your back?"
- "Hey, Chewie! Your about to be turned into a foot rest!"
- "I'm gonna crack you open and put you on a pile of pasta!"
- "17B! Bingo!"
- "You're a thing named Blue, how do you do? Now you're gonna die!" (note this is a reference to Johnny Cash's song "A Boy Named Sue")
- "Alright, lets see what the big A can do." - said when spotting the Arbiter.
- "That's okay, ten-for-one!" - said when Marine laments over a dead ally.
- "Heeeeey, Calamari!" - said to Elite during a fight.
- "Give 'em help, people!"
- "I bet a fiddle of gold against your soul 'cause I think I'm gonna kill ya'!" - Halo 3, IWHBYD required.
- "You're gonna look like a splat on my wind shield, big blue!"
- "Get it off! Someone get it off!" - Halo: Combat Evolved, when a Plasma Grenade or Infection Form attaches to him.
- "I'm sorry, did you really need to be that bad?!" - Halo 2, when you shoot him.
- "Hey, if you ever want this back...too bad!" - Halo 3, when given a good weapon.
"Don't worry, there'll be more." - Halo: Combat Evolved, when all the enemies are dead.
- "I just love getting up every morning and kicking ass." - Halo 3.
- "Does the name Bozo mean anything to you?" - Halo 2.
- "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, I kill you." - Halo 2.
- "Hey, cow chunky!" - Halo 2.
- "Hostile! And I mean it!" - Halo 2.
- "Remember me, from New Mombasa?" - Halo 3, if you stare at him for a while.
- "All the things left back there is a shortcut to Hell!"
- "Ewww! Big green's gonna get ya!" - In Halo 2.
- "This is what we paid for, lets get ready, people!"
- "Move on through, Marines!" - Order given by him.
- "Men, you make me proud." - Halo: Combat Evolved, when all the enemies are dead.
- "Hey - ho! Well done, Marines!"
- "Woo, leave room for daddy." - When getting in a Warthog.
- "I'm gonna cut you open and spill you in the dirt." - Halo 3.
- "Aw, it's gone crazy! Kill it, kill it, kill it!" - When a Brute goes berserk.
- "Well thanks for the help, but I didn't need it." - Halo 3, when you steal one of his kills.
- "All right, let's drive it like you stole it." - Halo 3, when boarding a Warthog.
- "Drive her like she's got a trunk full 'o moonshine." - When boarding a Warthog, IWHBYD probably needed.
- "Shoot me!" When getting infected.
- "Well, lets see what you got, Mister A." - When he sees the Arbiter.
- "You know, I could've stayed home today" - If hes getting severely injured.
- "Holy crap! You hit him in the mind!" - when you melee an enemy in Halo 3, IWHBYD needed.
- "I'm gonna rip you into itty-bitty pieces!" - when he sees an enemy in halo 3, IWHBYD needed.
- "That ain't a puppy, Marine" - referencing a Brute to a Marine.
- Are you familiar with the term; "Rode it like a rented mule"? - When the Chief drives badly.
- "You know that thing on the left? IT'S A BRAKE!" - If the Chief drives a Warthog badly.