Talk:Technological Achievement Tiers

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Revision as of 14:35, September 10, 2009 by General Heed (talk | contribs) (→‎Humans)

I thought this was funny the first time I read my Beastiarum: on the note in Tier 4, it shows just how stupid the Brutes are. E93 02:16, 8 October 2007 (UTC)

I seriously laughed out loud when I read that. Ah, the brutes... -- Couchpotato99 (talk) (contribs) 02:23, 8 October 2007 (UTC)


What tier would humans be now in real life? I'm sure it's either 5 or 4 Voy101

4. —This unsigned comment was made by Sgt.johnson (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~
Actually, I'd say 5 (my own opinion). Thanks, General simon rjh 18:32, 9 April 2008 (UTC)
I would agree. We haven't really left Earth yet, not to the degree described in the list. --Dragonclaws(talk) 18:37, 9 April 2008 (UTC)
Tier 4 would fit the time from now till around the begining of the Interplanetary War --MCDBBlits 00:48, 17 April 2008 (UTC)
I think Tier 5 is where we are right now. And yes, we have left the Earth to a certain extent. We have already landed several people on the moon as well as sent probes and robots to other planets in our solar system. Plus, we have several people living in space on space stations like the International Space Station. I'm going to set it to Tier 5. General Heed 19:35, September 10, 2009 (UTC)


Dear all,

We honestly do need to make sure that this isn't copying straight off of the Bestiarum. I don't have a copy, but this sounds line-by-line something from that handbook. Can anyone transform it into their own words? However, copying like this is expressly impermissible.


RelentlessRecusant 'o the Halopedia Team GDI2.jpg TALKMESSAGE 13:04, 12 February 2008 (UTC)


Interstellar means between stars... Humanity in Halo thus would have reached this level by title... --Sierra 003 12:13, 8 April 2009 (UTC)


what tier would the flood be. because they do not have advanced technology but the can travel between stars and possibly galaxies. Also they can almost complete change a setient beings DNA which i think would fall under advancing intellegent life.