Template:Realworld Gravesite is the last video featured in the Halo 3 Believe advertising campaign. With a release date of October 1st, 2007 the video was set to follow the rest of the series including Hunted, Museum, and Enemy Weapon.
On October 10th, 2007, the video was made available on the official website. It was thought for a time to have been replaced with the "Shooting A Hero" video available at http://www.xbox.com/en-GB/games/h/halo3/jakecourage.htm
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Narrator: "For the first time in 43 years Lieutenant Shah returns to the site of the battle."
Lt. Shah: "*reaches for a spent sniper rifle shell*"
Narrator: "What is that?"
Lt. Shah: "A shell from a sniper rifle."
Narrator: "It's amazing theres still so many remenants out here... Where's Master Chief's grave?"
Lt. Shah: "I don't think anyone really knows. There was a ceremony five years ago, over there, just as a symbolic gesture. The coffin was empty."
Narrator: "Why was the coffin empty?"
Lt. Shah: "No Spartan could be listed as KIA. They can only be listed as MIA, missing, so it could be said that no Spartan can was ever killed in combat. So the ceremony was tribute, more than a burial."
Narrator: "It doesn't look like much."
Lt. Shah: "Chief told me once, that no soldier should be honored for doing what is expected."
Narrator: "Do you believe that?"
Lt Shah: "I did. And I still do."