
For the Forerunner artifact, see Portal.
A Porta opens for Master Chief.

A Porta is a sphincter-like orifice embedded into the floors and walls of Flood Hives that acts as the Flood analog to doorways. Portas were sighted in the Flood-infested High Charity, in the Halo 3 multiplayer map, Isolation and in Halo Wars, on the Flood Barracks.


  • Portas have at least two seven references in them, one being that Portas are made up of seven segments, and the other being the fact that there are seven Portas on the level Cortana.
  • The name "porta" probably comes from the Greek word porta (πόρτα), which means "door".
  • On the Halo 3 multiplayer map Isolation there is one Porta. Sliding down a hole on the top part of the map will lead you to slide down a tube. A Porta will open, letting you into the Flood-infested cave.
  • Portas make an appearance in the Halo 3 levels Floodgate and Cortana and the multiplayer map Isolation
  • There is a running joke among gamers that the Portas are the Gravemind's intestinal openings, due to their sphincter-like appearance.