
Revision as of 21:13, September 28, 2007 by ED (talk | contribs)

Template:Realworld Hunted is a TV ad, part of the Believe series and follows one Marine's story of fighting and hiding from Covenant forces. First aired on September 22, 2007, the video later appeared on the John-117 Monument flash site at on September 25, 2007.


In the video, an unnamed former Marine describes a harrowing night he and his unit spent out in a group of woods, as he walks through them several years later. Pausing to point our plasma scoring on a tree trunk caused by a Plasma Rifle, he then approaches a clearing where he and his unit hid throughout a night and described as they hid from the group of Covenant soldiers who were hunting them. The interviewer turns the lights of the scene off with the Marine's permission, and he describes the sounds of the Covenant forces moving through the woods.

He concludes the interview saying that that night, his unit had no choice but to be still and quiet in the clearing, "and wait for Master Chief." After seven hours of hiding, the Chief finally showed up to rescue them.

<youtube> d1zWeaVZpsM </youtube>