Template:Realworld Template:Ratings Museum[1] is a live-action TV trailer that was part of the Believe advertisement campaign for Halo 3. It was the first video released in the Believe campaign, beginning the only authorized real world Halo 3 live action film series to date other than the Halo Shorts.
It takes place in the Museum of Humanity and concerns an interview with a retired UNSC soldier who fought in the Second Battle of Earth. The soldier in question is Major Pawel Czernek who served from 2551-2581.
In the trailer an unknown voice questions the retired soldier, whilst he views a miniature representation of a battle between UNSC and Covenant forces. This representation turns out to be the Diorama, and was later available for fans to take a closer look at on Halo3.com
The text "Next Halo 3 Video Premiere: 9/14/07 9 A.M. PT" appears at the end of the video.[2]
Note: The dialogue in this video is not seen - it is heard as a voice over while Czernek (and the camera) looks at the diorama.
(cut to a dimly lit museum room. An elderly man walks towards a glass case in the center of the room. The words Maj. Pawel Czernek; UNSC (ret.)
active duty: 2551-2581
loc: Museum of Humanity appear)
Interviewer: Can you tell us what you remember about the battle?
Czernek: We'd been fighting for a while. On the seventh day we ran out of ammo. We had to scavenge all we could from the weapons that had been left behind. Pistols, shotgun rounds, a handful of grenades...
Interviewer: Do you remember where you were?
Czernek: When Master Chief armed his grenade, I was in the back of an overturned Warthog, firing an M41.
Interviewer: How did you manage to keep it together?
Czernek: We knew Master Chief was still in the fight. He gave us hope.
(Czernek sees the figure in the diorama representing himself, and is silent in thought. Fade to black. Tagline "BELIEVE" fades in)
- Pawel Czernek mentions that "on the seventh day we[they] ran out of ammo." This is possibly a reference to Bungie's "repetitive use" with the number 7.