The Covenant Army is a branch of the Covenant Military responsible for land-based operations. It is the primary invasion force, and houses the numerous Special Operations units. [1]
The Covenant Army comprises of the majority of the Covenant's ground-based infantry and units, and is asked with engaging the enemies of the Covenant in ground and air combat, using a diversity of equipment and weaponry. Primarily led by the Brutes, and formerly by the Elites, including former Arbiters, the Army is comprised of most of the military-service races who act as infantry or, in the case of Hunters, as demolitions experts and shock troops.
Because Prophets do not hold military ranks, no Prophet is truly a "member" of the Army. Instead, they command its Brute leaders as either religious or militaristic tactician, who follow their orders and accomplish their objectives. Engineers, as primarily non-combatants, are also exempt from the Army.
Species In The Covenant Army
Pre Civil War
Post and During Civil War
Covenant Civil War
During the Covenant Civil War, or "Great Schism," the Covenant military was violently divided between the Covenant Loyalists, who continued to believe in the Prophet's wisdom, and the Covenant Separatists, who followed the Arbiter against them. The Covenant Separatists crushed the Covenant Loyalists at the Battle of Installation 00 with their human allies.
Known Units
Infantry Weapons
- Type-25 Directed Energy Pistol
- Type-25 Directed Energy Rifle
- Type-33 Guided Munitions Launcher
- Type-51 Carbine
- Type-33 Light Anti-Armor Weapon
- Type-1 Antipersonnel Grenade
- Type-50 Sniper Rifle System
- Type-1 Energy Weapon/Sword
Introduced During Great Schism (to Loyalist forces)
- Type-25 Carbine
- Type-52 Pistol
- Type-25 Grenade Launcher
- Type-2 Energy Weapon/Hammer
- Type-3 Antipersonnel/Antimatériel Incendiary Grenade
- Type-32 Rapid Assault Vehicle
- Spectre Light Reconnaissance Vehicle (limited service)
- Type-25 Wraith
- Type-52 Anti Aircraft Artillery
- Type-26 Ground Support Aircraft
- Type-25 Rapid Assault Vehicle
- Type-52 Infantry Support Vehicle
- Type-52 Troop Carrier - "Phantom"