
Revision as of 11:35, February 22, 2008 by (talk)


Invincibility is a new piece of equipment featured in Halo 3.

It confers the user with a brief period of invulnerability. When activated the player is covered in shining bands. It is known to be possessed by some or all Brute Chieftains in Halo 3, giving chieftains a brief period of time where they may chase after the player with the Gravity Hammer unhindered, giving them a significant tactical advantage. In campaign, it can be found on some dead Brute chieftains that haven't used a powerup yet. Curiously, if you melee a Brute in the back (assassination hit) while the invincibility is active, it will still kill him. In addition to being obtainable from dead Brute Chieftains, there is an Invincibility in the level "Halo". At the top of the Control Room tower, where you have to fight hordes of Flood, there is an Invincibility. After going up the staircase, go to the left and into the tunnel. It will be there.

It has a similar appearance to the Cloaking equipment, except that it glows a gold color, rather than a cool blue color. It's symbol on the HUD is Two overlapping, intersecting ovals.

You can pick it up at any time by pressing; X,Y,X,Y,A,B,A,B

Note: This only works on one level of the campain but the level is diffrent for each person.

It is not present in multiplayer. However though you will be invulnerable from almost all forms of attack, you may still die from falling or having a large object such as a Scorpion crush you. Immortal characters like the Arbiter who become betrayed by you can also kill you.


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