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Template:Iris Episode 05 is the fifth of five "episodes" in the Iris campaign. It can be found at Once the page is loaded, there is a floating and rotating thing, with several Forerunner glyphs on it. Three of them link to files to download, and one links to a video that can be played. One of the files, Log5_Transcript.txt, contains the transcript of the video:their is also a text download MB05032 which states that a forerunner is in the ark.
The anomalous world is in a perilous location beyond the line. {//} (THE SECRETS IT HOLDS MUST BE PRESERVED) {//} (PLANS WITHIN PLANS WITHIN PLANS) The inhabitants; these unique denizens, must be researched. They may hold answers to our own mysteries. {//} (WHAT IRONY THAT WE DISCOVERED THIS TREASURE, ONLY AT THE END OF THINGS.) {//} (BUT WHAT FORTUNE THAT WE STILL HAD TIME TO SAVE THEM) The thing we built on that world will vouchsafe their lives, {//} (BUT PERHAPS ONE DAY IT WILL BE USED FOR ITS INTENDED PURPOSE) If the plan succeeds, and they are saved, it will be a good world. If the plan fails, {//} (AND THE ADVERSARY SUCCEEDS) it will remain an enigma forever {//} (WITH NO-ONE LEFT TO RECLAIM IT)
You asked me once, what happened to those who vanished? You asked me, why did we survive where our fathers fell? You wished to know how we ever let it happen A scourge that consumed the galaxy And the cure that was worse than the cancer You asked me once about my intent And the spot that would not wash out I promise you the answers lie in the Ark Find me there in the dark For that is where I abide