Benjamin Giraud

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The "Photographer"[1], as he refers to himself, is a member of the Office of Naval Intelligence on Earth. Ostensibly a civilian working on the P.R. of the Civilian Warthog, he actually helps alter battle footage to keep the public unaware how badly the UNSC is losing the Human-Covenant War.

He was injured during the Regret's invasion of New Mombasa, and after, was a part of a small resistance group trying to hold the Covenant back until the Marines could come. He recorded and translated an order from an Elite to "Clear this area before we can access the Ark." He was ordered by a Marine Sergeant to get the recording out of the city, to ONI. He was about to board a boat out of the city, but stopped when he saw a young girl crying, with no one with her. He calmed her down and handed her his laptop with the recording in it. Supposedly, he asked her to give it to the authorities when she got to the mainland. He himself remained in the city, and was last seen observing the Covenant invasion in a room full of displays.

It's unknown if he survived the shockwave caused by the Prophet of Regret's Assault Carrier jumping into Slipspace, or the subsequent Brute occupation of the city.
