M99 Stanchion

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Template:Weapon The M99 Special Application Scoped Rifle, also known as the M99 Stanchion Gauss-rifle is a United Nations Space Command ground firearm. [1]

Operational Use

It was used by Corporal Avery J. Johnson during Operation: KALEIDOSCOPE (a mission where he used an M99 SASR to assassinate Jerald Mulkey Ander, a member of the Secessionist Union). It was also used during Operation: TREBUCHET by Johnson to stop the target at the Jim Dandy.

Caliber and Technology

The M99 fires tungsten rounds which are of a small caliber, being only 5.4mm, or .21 caliber. The M99 negates this by not using chemical propellents but actually uses magnetic forces like the M68 Gauss Cannon or MAC to proppel the round incredible distances and incredibly fast. The rounds hit their target with an immense amount of kinetic energy as in Contact Harvest the round passes through a building and still has enough energy to blow the target apart. The weapon also appears to be able to use an input from a laptop for ballistic calculations. It can also interface with other targetting and computer systems for trajectory calculations, such as ARGUS Drones.


  • It is also nicknamed the "Stanchion".
  • Other than the description and picture of the rifle, nothing else is yet known about this weapon.
  • it is technically an anti-material weapon designed for eliminating bombs and other ordnance at a distance.

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