Ads for an Oh2-Hnzu store on Liberty Street, including Glory.
Glory is a company that produces several popular products. They can be bought at the Oh2-Hnzu stores in Old Mombasa[1]. It appears to be based on a present-day automotive company called Glory Car Hire, possibly meaning that their products are something to do with cars.[2]
GloRy` is a Halo PC player that has his own team nM- what's active on HPT. They have a high ranking because of their very good player dan0x. Though dan0x is so good, GloRy` won dan0x once, but dan0x was so angry that he said: Oh, okay. Tu ma cocke. Right now, GloRy` is active with some real buseniss at the McDonald's! There he cleans tables and when his manager gives him too much orders, he answer: Oh, okay. Tu ma cocke.