Template:Shortcut The Halopedia IRC Channel is a Internet Relay Chat channel that allows Halopedians to communicate with each other via live chat through the Internet. It is free of charge, and is easily accessible. It is registered as #halopedia.

Accessing the Channel

  1. Go to http://irc.wikia.com/ (Wikia official IRC browser, IRC:CGI)
  2. Enter an IRC nickname into the box labeled "Username"
  3. Select "#halopedia" from the dropdown box labeled "Channel", from near the end of the list
  4. Click on "Login"

If you need help registering your nickname, or with any other IRC functions, contact any of the Channel Operators listed below.

List of Channel Operators

Channel Operators are Halopedians on IRC that will serve to maintain channel civility during all conversations, and are expected to uphold the channel rules and regulations. Not all Channel Operators are equally active.

Other Operators

These users are trusted members of the wider Wikia community (Staff, Janitors, and Helpers), who have operator status to help deal with trolls if such a need arises.

Please do not ask them about local issues. The above users will deal with minor problems. If someone is disrupting the channel and no local operators are on, /join #wikia and ask for one of these users to help you.

To confirm the list of channel operators, use the command: /msg ChanServ ACCESS #halopedia LIST while in IRC.

The IRC Team

Our IRC Team is composed of respected and responsible Halopedians who frequent the IRC.

Channel Operators (Ops, listed above) can kick and ban disruptive users, and high-level ops can modify other users' access levels.

Voices have the ability to talk when the channel is moderated. Currently, there are no voices as the channel is rarely (if ever) moderated.

The IRC Team are essentially the leaders of #halopedia. When you have a problem or question regarding the channel, a Team member will help you any way he or she can.

Can I become part of the Team?

Team members are selected on an as-needed basis only. As Halopedia grows and the channel becomes more active, more ops may be needed to assist in its operation. Team positions can be filled via simply asking one of our high-level ops (as listed above).

Appeals of operator actions or behaviours

Appeals relating to (1) channel actions effectualized by operators, (2) statements made by operators, or (3) the general behaviour and conduct of operators should always be handled responsibly, maturely, civilly, and politely and such appeals are advised to follow the below recommendations.

It is advised that such an appeal first be made to the operator in question. In the event an appeal is made over a kick or ban from the channel, it is likely that the reason for said kick or ban will be provided upon said kick or ban from the channel. If not provided, it is the responsibility of the operator to promptly provide the user in question with the reasoning behind said kick or ban to encourage later proper behavior of the user, and also to clarify for the record.

If a dispute arises between the operator and the user in consideration, it is advised that the user take the matter to a neutral operator unaffiliated with the incident(s) and discuss with him/her. Operators can always be contacted privately and confidentially through private-message on the IRC or through email or other means of electronic communication, provided information for electronic contact is furnished by the operator in question.

If a dispute arises between the aforementioned neutral operator and the user in consideration, it is advised that the user contact the operator team as a whole for internal discussion and deliberation by the whole operator team. Contact of the whole operator team is discouraged except for the severest circumstances.

It is not advised that appealing users become confrontational, antagonistic, uncivil, or malicious in their appeals. Appeals should always be made to operators, not to fellow users. Appealing to fellow users may create an emotionally-charged situation that may fail to resolve or even exacerbate the situation.

Rules and Regulations

Operators use their discretion when applying these rules, and understanding of the rules depends on operator conception of the rules, and particular exceptions may be granted by specific operator approval. These rules and regulations, however, should be followed strictly by users.

In addition to these regulations, all freenode guidelines must be abided by.

Infringement of these rules and regulations may lead to punishment by an operator.

When you enter the IRC channel, you are expected to have prior knowledge of all these rules, and will be punished accordingly.


The nick rules are currently under review. In the interim, your username must be evident by your nick or your whois data (use the command /whois NICK to see whois data). Impersonation of another user is strictly against the nick rules.


While you can say as many lines of text in a row as you want, any deliberate flooding of five lines or more without reason, or any spamming of the same message five times or more, will result in being kicked from the channel.

In addition, users who "join flood" (join, leave, and then re-join the channel repeatedly) will be banned from the channel for a period of time determined by the op issuing the ban.


The usage of capital letters and caps lock is frowned upon. Using capital letters to write a word or a whole entry is typically percieved as yelling. Using excessive capital letters once will often result in a courtesy warning by an operator, and persistent usage of capital letters may lead to a kick or ban, depending on severity.

Inappropriate content

  1. Personal attacks are not permitted.
  2. Harassment and/or sexual harassment is not permitted.
  3. Extreme Profanity or cursing is not permitted.
  4. Talking about harming any living thing is not permitted.
  5. Talking about sex, making references to sex, and/or making sexual innuendos are not permitted.
  6. Talking about illegal activities, thoughts, or possessions, including but not limited to illegal drugs, etc...
  7. Violation of personal privacy is not permitted. This includes revealing personal information about users (e.g. real name, location, age, gender, etc...) and violating confidentiality on particular issues (such as issues asked to be kept confidential by other users or administrators).
  8. Linking to external sources, such as websites, which violate the aforementioned rules, is also not permitted. Notably, publicly linking to websites such as Facebook or MySpace that violate personal privacy, is not permitted without prior consent from the user whose privacy will be violated.
  9. Trolling or general irritation or disruption of other users is not permitted. This often includes, but is not limited to; excessive usage of capital letters, punctuation marks, deliberate or indeliberate distortions of the English language (such as "133t speak"), and excessive usage of non-English languages.
  10. Controversial statements and/or discussions are not permitted, said statements and discussions including but not limited to, politics, religion, etc...

Operators have a wide discretion relating to the issuing of warnings and bans which infringe on this rule. The content of messages will greatly impact on the severity of the punishment. In certain particular cases, exceptions may be permitted, although these are infrequent.

Topics of Discussion

The channel is meant for help and discussion on Halopedia and discussion about the Halo franchise and Bungie.

Controversial topics are not to be discussed on #halopedia. The definition of a controversial topic is up to the discretion of an operator, but this generally involves topics that would stir consternation amongst the users currently in the channel and/or the Halopedia community. Controversial topics include politics, religion, etc...Users bringing up controversial topics will often be given a courtesy warning by an operator, but persistent bringing-up or a refusal of the warning (if given), may lead to more severe punishment.

Halopedia IRC is in no circumstances to be used to perform in role-playing activities as one would do on Halo Fanon, or elsewhere.

Whenever one brings up a topic, it may be best to consult an operator regarding the acceptability of a topic, or if one is not present or unresponsive, to wait until the operator responds.


Approval vote: Halopedia:IRC Channel/Unilinky

#halopedia has a bot called Unilinky, which provides the full URL for pages when they are [[Linked]].

Please exercise common sense when using the bot. If you are told by a channel user or operator that you are using the bot inappropriately or excessively, heed their advice. Users who continually use the bot inappropriately or excessively will be muted.

Please note that also /join or /part commands to it, which flood the channel, are logged. If there is any abuse regarding unilinky, notify HardDisk_WP so he can find out who is kidding with the bot.


The only bot allowed in #halopedia is unilinky due to an approval vote. All other bots are to be immediately kicked/parted, and never to be used in the channel.


Typically, the following hierarchy will apply to infringements on the above regulations (with the exception of specifically implied consequences).

  • First offense: Warning
  • Second offense: Kick
  • Third offense: One day ban

Further offenses will result in an extended ban, at the discretion of the op administering the ban.

Countervandalism Channel

Suspicious edits to Halopedia are reported in #cvn-wikia-halo, a countervandalism channel provided by the Countervandalism Network.

The feed for this channel is spliced from #cvn-wikia, which reports suspicious edits for all Wikia wikis. The bot in this channel (WikiaRC) receives the RC data from a Wikia server which reports all edits to Wikia wikis.

Suspicious edits are defined as:

  • All IP edits
  • Blankings or large removal of text
  • Tiny page creations (Mainly new users)
  • Edit summaries containing pre-defined stalkwords
  • Any edits by users who are on the global blacklist
    • Blacklisted users have been automatically added as a result of being banned on any Wikia wiki, or have been manually added by a #cvn-wikia voiced user

This channel is owned by the CVN group and the bot (Starnes2) is provided by Starnestommy.

Administrators and rollback users are voiced to easily identify users who can help with vandalism. CVN staff and bots are also voiced. Users with rollback should request voice from Manticore, or Relentless.

This channel is not on the Wikia CGI:IRC access list. To join this channel you should use a client, or freenode's java applet.