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Infection is a multiplayer gametype in Halo 3 and Halo: Reach.[1] It is the official Zombie mode, modeled after zombie mode's popularity as a custom game in Halo 2.


The object of the gametype is for the players to stay "uninfected" as long as possible while the zombies try to kill every living player. The number of players starting out as Zombies, "Alpha Zombies", can be changed in the options and are selected at random from the start. When a Zombie kills a "living" player, they are "infected" and they become a zombie. When there is just one living player left, he/she is declared "Last Man Standing".


  • Zombie Killing Spree - Kill five zombies without dying.
  • Hell's Janitor - Kill ten zombies without dying.
  • Infection Spree - Infect five humans without dying.
  • Mmmm Brains - Infect ten humans without dying.
  • Last Man Standing - Be the last human left alive in the round.
  • Is Quisnam Protero Damno - Kill fifteen humans without dying. (removed)[citation needed]

Development History


Eat Jjizz douchbags

Double EXP Weekend

On April 10th, 2008, the playlist came back for a Double EXP Weekend as Living Dead, also starting with exactly 13 players.[citation needed] Living Dead also appeared on the weekend of May 22 and on the 28th August.[citation needed] Living Dead is a Double EXP Weekend game with many games. Infection games have also appeared in other Double EXP playlists such as Turkey Day, the 2008 Thanksgiving weekend playlist.

Halo: Reach

In Halo: Reach a new variant of Infection called Safe Havens will be included, which will be a fusion of Infection and King of the Hill, where the non-infected will have to stay and move to the hill in order to have the strength to kill the zombies.

There will be other Infection gametypes, but they remain unknown and unnamed.


  • "Infection" is based on the popular custom gametype in Halo 2 known as "Zombies". Zombies was based on Team Slayer, with the Red team being Humans and the Green team being Zombies. The Humans could only use human weapons, and the Zombies could only use Energy Swords. The game began with just one or two Zombie players, who would attempt to hunt down and kill the Humans. When a Human was killed by a Zombie, they would have to change teams and become a Zombie. Since there were no facilities in Halo 2 Custom Games to limit what weapons each team could use or to force players to switch teams upon death, Zombie gametypes relied on Honor Rules.
  • New, but simple to obtain achievements are made just for Infection on the Mythic Map Pack, they are Delicious Brains, and Zombie Repeller. Delicious Brains is awarded when the player infects two humans, and Zombie Repeller is awarded by getting two zombie kills as a human.


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