In the Halo 2 game, there is a glitch that allows you to seperate the character's upper and lower body, and it is performable whenever desired. Basically, look down, as in at your feet, and spin around. If your look sensitivity is high enough, you will notice your torso spins faster than your lower body, and you can in fact turn your torso 360 degrees more than your legs. This will not affect your health or anything and can be done playing as either The Arbiter or John-117.
Also, on the level Gravemind, when you are in the Mausoleum of the Arbiter, walk up to the Arbiter's armor sarcophagus, and try to walk inside through the front, where the Arbiter got his armor out from in the Sacred Icon cutscene. Look down while you are doing this, and John's legs will be completely separated from his torso.