File:H3 Power Drainer.jpg
A picture of the Power Drainer.

The Power Drainer is a short-range magnetic offensive weapon featured in Halo 3.


The Power Drain creates a short-range magnetic induction effect causes disastrous failure of powered field systems within a set radius, and is designed primarily to interfere with common varieties of field-based shielding and power generation. It also has a damaging effect on biological systems and can wound or kill most bipeds after draining their shields. [1] Essentially, the Power Drainer is like a reverse Bubble Shield; instead of keeping the player inside unharmed, it causes any player's shields within the area of effect to drain away, making them vulnerable (instead of the protective Bubble Shield). If the victim is within the radius of the drainer for too long, the victim will actually die.

It is a deployable device that has been seen in the leaked internal beta build Halo 3 (Confirmed in Leaked Halo 3 Zanzibar video) and in the recent public "Friends and Family" Beta Test. It has not been confirmed to be in the finalized game. The Power Drainer, like the Bubble Shield, the Trip Mine, the Power Drainer, and the Portable Grav Lift, are all in the category of "Equipment". It can be deployed using the "X" Button.

The Power Drainer can be activated by deployment.


This Equipment spawns on Snowbound, High Ground, Valhalla and Last Resort. This is not finalized.


  • It has to be picked up, like the Bubble Shield, Portable Grav Lift, and Trip Mine because it is an equipment.
