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A Point-Defense Gun is a United Nations Space Command starship-mounted weapon that fires 50mm High-Explosive[1] projectiles.

The 50mm Point-Defense Gun functions much like the CIWS designs created during the 20th Century, firing 50mm projectiles. Unlike Archer missiles and the MAC weapon systems mounted on capital ships, the Point-Defense Guns are not used to engage Covenant capital ships, instead meant to intercept incoming plasma torpedoes and Seraph fighters[2] to prevent or, at least lessen, the damage inflicted to a warship equipped with these systems.

Because human operators lack the reflexive responses necessary to operate the Point Defense Guns to maximum affect, the auto cannons are computer controlled and, if an AI is available, control is diverted to it. "Smart" AI's seem better able to operate the Point-Defense Guns than standard computers and even lesser "dumb" AI's.[3]

During the human occupation of Alpha Halo, the ODST's that recaptured and secured the wreckage of the UNSC Pillar of Autumn from the Covenant managed to scavenge[4] several dual barreled [5] 50mm turrets, using them as anti-air defensive emplacements at Alpha Base. These were not fitted to the Pelicans for use, as is speculated by some, but were carried underneath the dropships merely for the use of momentum.
