
An Elite Ranger wearing an Antigravity pack.

The Antigravity Pack is used by Ranger Elites to maneuver in low-gravity or zero gravity situations. It provides excellent mobility, and in no way hinders their combat effectiveness.[1] This pack allows Elites to easily dodge enemy fire and to get in close, or retreat when needed. They most likely work in a similar fashion as the Banshee's engines, encasing the user in an anti-gravity field that keeps them suspended in the air.


  • They are used by Elite Rangers and also by the Heretic Leader Sesa 'Refumee in Halo 2.
  • The UNSC uses less refined and less effective T-PACKs for Zero-G movement.
  • In Halo 3, Brutes use a crude version of the Anti-Gravity pack, the Jump Pack, which allows them to Jump long distances and slows them down to prevent fall damage.
  • Even though they were designed to provide use in zero gravity situations, they appear to work just as effectively in normal gravity situations.
  • There appears to be a variant available for us in the upcoming Halo Reach Game multiplayer.
