"Magnums are best dual-wielded together or with another weapon." That's probably one of the most useless sentences I've ever read.
I am removing the part where you say "the reticle is slightly more centered" -- The Halo 2 reticles were OFF-CENTER. The Halo 1 reticles are dead center. --User:MLG Cheehwawa
i don't know about you guys, but i like the look of the M6C. i not saying it should've replaced the M6D, but i say it's a whole lot better 'looking'...it's sexy side arm to have. sometimes i equip it just for the hell of it and still beat out guys with the BR.
It's blindingly obvious that this article was written or at least heavily edited by someone who does not like the M6C. I'd try to fix it, but I'd essentially be re-writing the article. I'm going to take some of the obviously biased stuff out. JesseZinVT 01:31, 26 May 2007 (UTC)
stripped-down version of the M6D Pistol?
This makes it sound like the M6C came second, even though it is only in halo 2 i still think it came first, for 2 reasons. 1 Its name M6C and 2 it's less advanced why would people make a pistol less advanced, well it happens today, but still...Im not very good at explaining my self sorry, hopefully you people understand.--UHSO. LT. COL. "Running Riot" Ryan BAM 16:45, 15 June 2007 (UTC)
Repeating information
why is it that this page constantly says that the pistol is SO effective at killing hunters and has a very high rate of fire? This article becomes very weird because of this.