Apologies for my own delayed reply as well. I saw your message a few days after you sent it, but I've had a really busy time at uni over the past couple of months, and it just completely slipped my mind. I also haven't done any work on Onyx for quite a while for the same reason. I do intend to get back on it once exams are over in a few weeks, though, so the project's not dead or anything.
In relation sidebar, I agree, that kind of functionality is really something that should be provided by the API itself. The fact that it doesn't seems like a very questionable design choice to me, but I'll just have to work with what's provided. It's a shame that people didn't take to your proposed sidebar parser, as I think that it would've been an improvement over what's available now, even if a little messy. Still, in that case, I'll probably end up writing my own parser to extract what I need, as I'm not fond of copying code without fully understanding every aspect of it as I do my own code (doing this has caused me huge headaches in the past lol).
Regarding parsing information from MediaWiki pages, I think I'll definitely look into it in the long term for Onyx, in that case, though I may do this after first making a bare-bones version of the skin to make available sooner. However, I'm not sure how I would go about retrieving the contents of a page from within the OnyxTemplate::execute() function. Do you know of a way it can be done, preferably getting the raw wikitext rather than an HTML version? Also, is there any way of embedding an arbitrary image from the wiki into a skin? I'm specifically thinking about the logo here, as the recommended aspect ratio of the image used as the logo by default wouldn't work well for an Oasis-style skin, so I think it will be necessary for Onyx to use a different one entirely.
Once I finish my exams and get back to building Onyx, I'll definitely hop on the IRC occasionally, so that we can communicate about it more easily. If you're still interested in contributing to Onyx yourself at all, let me know and I'll get you access to the GitHub repo. Don't feel any pressure, though.
Thanks for all your help, and again, apologies for being so slow to respond.
- Daniel