SPARTAN-II training

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Have you ever wondered what made the Spartan-II's nearly invincible and matchless? This is their pain, sweat and blood.

The Beginning

Between 2511 and 2517, 150 six year old children were selected from perfect psycological and genetic markers that were set in Dr. Halsey's selection protocols. They screened them for certain genetic markers: strength, agility, even predispostions for aggression and intellect. But due to lack of facilities and funding, only 75 children were actually chosen for the program, since not all of the chidren were perfect for the project, there were environmental factors, mutations, learned ethics, and a hundred other factors that made them unnaceptalbe. Then, they were taken from their homes in the middle of the night, injected with a chemical that made them sleep for a long time, some times inbetween the dates: August 17-September 23, which is 75 children taken from many various worlds in only 38 days. They had then all been rushed through slipstream space to Reach, where they were going to be trained. They were only recently brought of cryosleep when a woman told them that they would defend Earth and all her colonies, that they could not return to their parents, that there would be a great deal of hardship on the road ahead, encouragement, and various other things. The children were then escorted to barracks were they had a something to eat, and went to bed at around 11:30 PM.


September 24, 2517

The Spartans were rudely awaken at 5:30 AM by Mendez and his instructors. Mendez ordered them to go to the showers and those who hesitated got the Electric Baton. After that they went outside and Mendez made them do hard warmups: 100 jumping jacks, 100 sit ups, 100 deep squats, and 100 knee bends. After that they got water and Mendez, instructors ran/ jogged them about a mile to Déjà, a "dumb" AI that taught them a wide variety of lessons, math, and many different other things. They also got to eat crackers and milk. Their first lesson was a video of the original, Greek Spartans fighting against persian soldiers. (More detail about this lesson and many others in the section, Déjà's Lessons.) Then Mendez took them a couple miles to the playground, a mize in mid air with a bell at the top that you had to ring, put them into 15 groups of 3, and told them the last group to finish didn't get to eat supper. After that the Spartans and Mendez jogged back to the barracks, ate, and went to sleep.

September 25, 2517

The Spartans were woken, took their showers and did their morning calisthenics and ran a mile to Déjà. Today their lesson was about a pack of wolves hunting mousses. (More detail about this lesson and many others in the section, Déjà's Lessons.) After that they ran a couple of miles to the playground, but today the maze was alot more complicated. After the playground they ran a couple of miles back to the barracks, had supper and went to sleep.

September 26, 2517 - July 11, 2519

In this time the they Mendez taught them to strip a trip line, fire a rifle, and treat a chest wound. Mendez's exercises often had a twist to them: stun mines on the obstacle course, and snipers with paint pellet guns during parade drills. Mendez had taught them to be strong, not only with their bodies but with their heads, too. Mendez told them they were the Navy's best and brightest.

July 12, 2519

Around two years later, Mendez took them on a Pelican ride up through the Military Wilderness Training Preserve. He got a young Spartan to pass out papers to every other Spartan. The papers were portions of maps of the local region. Mendez told them, you will be set down by yourselves, you will navigate to a marked extraction point and we will pick you up there, the last trainee to make it to the extraction point will have to walk all the way back. The Spartans silently made a plan to meet up at a lake. Once they were all at the lake they regrouped, scouted the area, and put the map pieces together. When they got to the extraction point, the men around the Pelican weren't in uniform and the Spartans devised a plan to take back the Pelican. The Spartans lured them out and they beat them all with rocks and stolen stun batons. With Déjà's help they all got home and no one got left behind. A Spartan named John was responsible after the mission but was instead, promoted to Squad Leader.