Spartan Training Program

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The Spartan traning program is used to teach the Spartans the art of war. It is used also to make the Spartans more agile and stronger than other soldiers.

How the Training Works

Dr. Halsey picks kids that are 6 years old and are fit to train to be a Spartan.

Firstly, at 6 years old, CPO Mendez and drill instructors will make you do hard warm ups: 100 jumping jacks, 100 sit ups, 100 deep squats and 100 knee bends. After that Mendez will take the group of Spartans and run a couple miles to Déjà, which teaches them a wide variety of lessons, math and many other things. After that, Mendez takes them another couple miles to the playground, a maze in mid-air where you have to ring a bell. Mendez put them into 15 groups with 3 children in each group and told them the last group to finish doesn't get to eat supper. The playground gets different everyday by getting more complicated and Mendez did a large assortment of other things, like combat training.

At age 8 the group of Spartans will train in a special gym where they pull weights and climb walls.

At age 12, they do an exercise with Tango Company. They play capture the flag with Tango Company multiple times and the Spartans beat them everytime. Tango company got annoyed and abused the Spartans, used live bullets, but none of them got killed.

When they are 14 they will go through medical treatment to make them stronger and faster and putting neural implants in their head to help them have better reflexes in combat and be able to do things that normal Marines cannot, such as operate the cannon on a Scorpion Tank. Then they are ready to go out and fight.