Before XBox, before Halo:CE there was a Halo game that was originally announced for the Mac as a 3rd-person shooter. The development time was from around 1998 to the release of Halo: CE, originating as a Myth-style strategy game[1] before turning into an over-the-shoulder cooperative netgame, and finally being retooled as a straight-up FPS for the XBox port. As the game then evolved along the way some vehicles and weapons were cut and others had complete overhauls. Below are some examples of lost or heavily modified game play items:

Gatling Gun

File:Halo original 4.jpg
Pre-Xbox render

The Gatling Gun was a weapon originally designed for the Pre-Xbox Halo Combat Evolved. It seemed to be a hand-held version of the M41 LAAG, but, as it was not put into the game, it's characteristics are unknown.

There have been several mods, using Halo Custom Edition, that have integrated the Gatling Gun into the game, using the handle and base of the Flamethrower, but replacing the adhesive projector with the barrel of an M41 LAAG.

File:Pre Halo Minigun.jpg

It would appear that the weapon has finally come to light in the form of Halo 3's AIE-486H


File:Machette vs EnergySword .jpg
Machette vs EnergySword

A Machette was at one point part of the Halo game play. If you think about it, the machette could have been incorporated into the brute shot on purpose. This would make sense since the blade is metal and if the machette made it into the game, it wouldn't run out of "energy." It would have an unlimited use, making the energy sword pointless. All in all, it was probably scrapped as a regular sword for balance issues. Also, notice how much Master Chief has evolved.

File:Pre Halo Machette.jpg


An Elite circa 1999. They've come a long way! Notice the mandibles are more human or dinosaur like, lacking the present four-pronged jaw in the actual Halo games.


The Spectre was originally designed to be in Halo Combat Evolved, but was cut because of balance issues. There appears to be a Shade turret mounted on the back.


The old HUD Display and a Halo that has fallen upon disrepair

The Heads Up Display didn't always look like its present form. Shown here is what it used to look like, representing the Marathon logo, which Bungie uses a lot in Halo. Also notice how the Halo in the background had originally fallen into disrepair.

Beam Rifle

File:Halo edge 3.jpg
The Halo 1 Beam Rifle

The Beam Rifle was another element that was deleted from Halo Combat Evolved. It was cut, once again, for balance issues, but it vaguely resembles Halo 2's Beam Rifle, here seen brandished by an Elite.


In the below video on the left, at around 2:50, the Spartan is shown holding a covenant weapon that could very well be the first concept of the Halo 3 Mauler.


Halo Concepts Part 1

<youtube width="200" height="200">7Tqrfy4SR7I</youtube>

Halo Concepts Part 2

<youtube width="200" height="200">RN9vO_gRzoI</youtube>

A video of Bungie footage shows several weapons and vehicles that were originally going to be in Halo. Recognizable is the Fuel Rod Gun, which then seemed to fire rockets. That, or they didn't make a mortar animation. Other than that, there is an SMG, Underwater Spear Gun, and other unreleased Covenant weapons. Watch the video for full details. In the movie several Bungie employees can be heard discussing concept plans.

