Talk:Halo 2 (Windows Vista)

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Revision as of 10:11, March 31, 2007 by ED (talk | contribs)

I CAN'T WAIT FOR HALO 2 PC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --EliteDeath

They must have a super computer to get a decent framerate at those über high resolutions. --Doomguy0505 11:25, 13 November 2006 (UTC)

Actually, one with windows vista. And a pretty good graphics card. --EliteDeath 20:34, 29 November 2006 (UTC)

halo 2 pc is coming out on windows vista. and it will prolly take the same grapics card as halo pc. -RimЖFireTMFile:MandalorianSymbol.jpg 14:15, 27 February 2007 (UTC)

I'd doubt that RimFire. The only reason being that if you take at look at the pic's the graphics are like 5 times better then Halo PC... Yeah...-Guy with a Point


Considering the game was designed for the XBox (Celeron PIII class CPU, GeForce 4MX) and is now two years old either it it's comming out with the Halo 3 engine or.... it's going to have had major GFX overhauls done to it. PC gamers, especially FPS players like their eye candy and with the best will in the world a 6000 series Nvidia card can do a hell of a lot more than a tweaked 4MX, they also like the 'standard FPS controls' that come with a PC game (WSAD for driving, mouse look, middle button to reload, etc) so hopefully the interface will be better tweaked than the god aweful mouse drive system in the original.

The other problem is that this game will require Vista. By the time it comes out I don't expect Vista to have much market penetration and will probably be used as a reason to kill off MS's PC gaming division.

They have placed emphasis on the fact that they are trying to overhaul the vehicle control for Halo 2 PC, for obvious reasons. As to the Vista part, I agree. The game will require high end graphics cards, processing systems, and all that, I doubt it will enter a major selling, they know this and likely just created it because Microsoft is a computer company and they are supplimenting their best-selling game. -ED 15:11, 31 March 2007 (UTC)