
Revision as of 15:33, March 19, 2007 by ED (talk | contribs) (add 2 sections.)

A Lance is the smallest known organization of Covenant military units. A lance consists of one or two Elites and a handful of Grunts. It is usually commanded by a Minor Elite[1]. Usually, the Lance contains 2-4 Minor Grunts and one or two Major Grunts. Sometimes a Major Elite will command two or three Lances into a battle.

A lance of Jackals usually consists of a group of 4-6 Jackals, with one or two of them being Major Jackals and the rest being Minor Jackals. Jackal lances are sometimes led by an Elite commander, though this is not always the case.

A lance of Drones is usualy nothing more than a swarm of around a dozen Drones. As they are very mobile and constantly airborne, Drone lances are never commanded by an Elite and no commander can be distignushed in them.

