
Sniper Rifle

A variant of the standard SRS99C, this UNSC rifle is a gas-operated magazine-fed weapon. It is issued with a smart-linked scope with varying levels of magnification. Low-light amplification device may be attached and activated on the scope for sight in badly-lit areas. In Halo 1 you may activate night vision when zoomed in with the sniper rifle.It fires 14.5x114mm armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding-sabot rounds.

NOTE: The 14.5x114mm APFSDS round is an anti-material round and can easily over-penetrate several armored soldiers. Be sure of what is on the other side of your target before firing.

Technical Data

Rate of Fire  : Average, semi-automatic (2 rounds per second)
Damage per Hit: Very high
Range         : Medium to very long
Accuracy      : Very high
Magazine Size : 4 rounds
Maximum Ammo  : 28 rounds (including fully loaded magazine)

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