

The Heavy Needler is only seen in Halo 2. It is first seen on the level Sacred Icon when Tartarus explains to you how to destroy an Enforcer. If you stay alive long enough, the Enforcer will start to shoot at you with its Heavy Needlers, which fire crimson needles that are larger and more powerful than the weaker purple variety which the Covenant use. These needles don't home in on a target or explode on contact, but still pack quite a punch and can take down the Arbiter (you) after a couple of direct hits. This weapon is particularly useful against the hordes of Flood that the Sentinels face and was most likely developed specifically for combat use against an infected lifeform. The Enforcer will attack you with it on the levels Sacred Icon and Quarantine Zone.


The Enforcer will only engage targets with the Heavy Needler that are few and far between, such as the Arbiter, and very small groups of Flood. The Enforcer is not known to otherwise engage targeted hostiles with this weapon.


The Heavy Needler fire and uses rounds somewhat similar to the Needler. It is possible that Needlers were reverse engineered from the Enforcers' weapons. Bungie did plan for another Sentinel weapon to be usable by the player referred to as the "Heavy Needler", "Sentinel Needler", "Red Needler", and/or "Red Spiker". For reasons left only to Bungie, this weapon was not in the game, but the Enforcer's weapon is most likely the same gun. There was a glitch, however, that gave one Sentinel, called the Needler Sentinel, the weapon.


  • The Heavy Needler can't be used by the player.
  • There is a glitch where a Sentinel is armed with a needler. It is possible that when removing the heavy needler from sentinals, that one was not properly reformated, and was armed with a needler instead.
  • The Heavy Needler is speculated to be an early version of the Spiker.

