Does anyone have any ideas what those two big "U" shaped things are? They look kind of like portals or something, maybe the Covenant found a way to ship stuff through slipspace?--FRAG3TH
Look at the planet in the first picture, it almost looks inhabited. Anyone have some thoughts on that?--The Chazz025 and Clan 00:55, 23 March 2007 (UTC)
Anybody paid any attention to the 'throne' in each bunker? It looks like it's able to be sat upon, but I don't know what it's purpose could be. Maybe it was used to find Forerunner relics, like a Luminary?
Battle creek
am I the only one that sees the similarity between the maps?
What the hell? I don't see a Drinol anywhere in the overhead picture. Does this really qualify as trivia?
Strange color effects room
Why does not the main article (in the Trivia section, at least) talk about this secret room in Snowbound that produces strange color effects (and awesome pics ;-) )??
Oh, and... can someone please, please explain me how to acces that part of the map?
Are you referring to this or this? If so, it's just a glitch where you put spawn points under the map... not too hard to do with practice. -- Dukester101 File:Us flag.jpg TALK 17:33, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
I am referring to the first, thanks. I'll try to Forge the map and enter a spawn point or a teleporter inside there. DeadGhost - A HERO MUST RISE. BELIEVE.
Eeeeeerrrrr... I simply can't. Can someone please explain me how to get in there?? Thx. DeadGhost - A HERO MUST RISE. BELIEVE.