Imperial Admiral

Revision as of 12:34, March 25, 2007 by halowikia>James-001 (→‎Trivia: added spaces between sentances)

Template:Covenant Rank Infobox

Imperial Admiral is a Covenant Sangheili (Elite) rank.


The Imperial Admiral[1] is within the Elite ranks, and is extremely high in the Covenant. This rank is given to Elites to control large fleets and armadas. It could be compared to a UNSC Navy Fleet Admiral. Very few ever attain this rank. Usually an Imperial Admiral operates on a high ranking ship (Covenant Flagship) such as an Assault Carrier, Supercarrier, or other powerful capital ships within the Covenant armada.

In the known Covenant ranking heirarchy for the Elites, they are below only Councilors and Arbiters.


The Imperial Admiral's armor is silver/gold and has dozens of golden glyphs that show a high ranking elite.

Known Imperial Admirals


  • Since they are quite similar, it has been discussed that Imperial Admiral and Supreme Commander are the same rank, just with a different name. However, this is most likely correct. First off, the reason why this is likely is becuse of how the creative artist of the graphic novel were being creative. This is first seen with the flood. Unlike the sick tanish greyish color they are seen in the graphic novel as mostly a jumble of purple and green. Also,the elites in the New Mombassa plot were pink skinned with the odd pink energy sword. Even the plasma bolts are slightly different in the story line Last Voyage of The Infinite Succor and New Mobassa are diiferent.One having pink plasma balls opposed to the purple seen in-game. The plasma rifles in the New-Mombassa story plot fire green plasma bolts in beam formation opposed to the games blue repeater style bolts. Secondly and also on page 239 in Halo Ghost of Onyx it said "The FORMER supreme commander of the Fleet of Particular Justice." That word "FORMER"(the word "Former" can also sometimes have the same exact definition of the word "Previous") is technically infering that supreme commander and imperial admiral are the same. In other words it could be saying.The previous imperial admiral had never returned from the glorious mission the prophets had sent hime on. The image of the elite with grey and gold armour is a 100% mod and is 100% fan-made. Therefore that image is just speculation of what the true thing may look like and is not actuall gameplay campaign for Halo Combat Evolved's campaign. It maybe possible that it is just a customized multiplayer model(I like to call them CMM's for shorts).


Template:Elite Ranks