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Biographical information

Date of birth:





1.6 meters (5.2496 feet)

Political and military information

Spartan tag:



Petty Officer Second Class


Lucy is a Spartan-III Supersoldier. She was conscripted into the Spartan-III program, developed by James Ackerson, at age six in 2539, when she was orphaned by the Covenant when they glassed her homeworld and killed her parents.

Physical Description

Lucy is described as being tiny. At only 12 years of age after Operation: Torpedo, she was only 5.2 feet tall [1] and 70 kilos. She also has pale skin from being inside her SPI armor for long periods at a time.


Lucy, distraught, volunteered for the Spartan-III program to get revenge on the aliens who murdered her family. She was trained by Lieutenant Commander Ambrose and Senior Chief Petty Officer Franklin Mendez at Camp Currahee for six years. Lucy, along with Tom-B292, Adam-B004 and Min-B174, became "Team Foxtrot," one of the organized Spartan-III combat teams.[2]

They were sent on Operation: TORPEDO to destroy a Covenant refinery on Pegasi Delta. As the Spartans faced superior enemy forces, they were wiped out, but Fireteam Foxtrot managed to reach the inside of the refinery. Only Lucy and Tom survived the fight. Lucy, traumatized by the incident, was diagnosed with posttraumatic vocal disarticulation, and never spoke a word the rest of her life. [3]

She was about to be classified as "unfit for duty," and reassigned to ONI's psych branch for "psychological evaluation." Spartan-051 rescued her from this fate, along with Tom-B292. Together with Tom, Lucy, and Chief Mendez, Kurt was able to train a third generation of Spartan-IIIs, Gamma Company. Lucy stayed at Camp Currahee and helped in the training until 2552. At that point, The Battle of Onyx occurred. Lucy fought valiantly alongside her brothers and sisters, defending the entry to the shield world, until she was ordered to retreat to its safety by Kurt [4]. She and Tom were the last to go through, rescued by Kurt, who gave his life to save Dr. Halsey, SCPO Mendez and the other Spartans. At most recent knowledge, she is still inside the Micro Dyson Sphere.


  1. ^ R1e2u3b4e5n6 contacted Eric Nylund
  2. ^ Halo: Ghosts of Onyx page 15
  3. ^ Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, page 27
  4. ^ Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, page 369
