The Stealth Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance Satellte, or STARS for short, is a piece of equipment used by the UNSC during offensive combat operations. STARS are are baseball-sized satellites that orbit one hundred kilometers over combat situations to provide in-field unmanned tactical command and to relay mission results and statistics to the Office of Naval Intelligence post-mission.
STARS are extremely useful; they covertly relay communications, topgraphy information, enemy locations, and allied locations and equipment positions to the HUD of allied units in range. Furthermore, channels like TEAMBIO are relayed across STARS.
They also broadcast orders for individual units. STARS help the UNSC military coordinate even complex operations easily and under stealth conditions, where even COM chatter can give away unit positions.
They were seen in use in the Battle of Pegasi Delta and the Battle of K7-49, and operated in conjunction with SPARTAN-III commandoes.