The Spike Grenade (sometimes incorrectly translated as the Nail Grenade) is a new weapon that will be introduced in Halo 3. When it detonates, it shoots a conical blast of spikes in one direction (kind of like a claymore mine). Similar to the Plasma Grenade, the Spike Grenade sticks to the surface of ANYTHING it lands on (the plasma grenade can only stick to enemies and vehicles). [1]
According to EGM reports, the grenade makes a distinct sound when thrown, which may be useful for scaring enemies or, to a more experienced player, could be used to find the thrower's position.
The Spike Grenade appears to be similar in shape to the Stielhandgranate the Germans used in WW2. It has four big curved spikes on top of the grenade, and a number of smaller ones around the shaft of the grenade. This also gives it the appearance of a midevil mace.
In result of the addition of new grenades, as well as to help balance the game, the game developers plan on reducing the maximum number of grenades to two per type, bringing the total to 6 grenades.
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