C. Paul Johnson

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Template:Bstaff C. Paul Johnson, Also known as C Paul, is the Sound Designer at Bungie. He was made a full time Bungie staff member in September, 2004. He helps create the Bungie Podcasts. Listen to the first Bungie Podcast - 22 Sep 2006

C. Paul is a sound synthesist major from Berkley School of Music in Boston.


Nickname: Classified

Classification: OldSkool

Current Job: Halo 2 Guy

Origin: Classified

Blood Type: Classified

Age: Classified

Weight: Classified

Height: Classified

Girth: Classified

First Job: Classified

Hobby: Classified

Ultimate Halo Match: Classified

Ultimate Snack: Classified

Ultimate Website: Classified

Mode of Transport: Classified

Fake Weapon: Classified

