Dan Orzulak

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"Havoks" profile as shown on page 93 of the Official Wing Commander Armada Playtesters' Guide.

Dan "Havoc" Orzulak is a Designer that worked on the team led by Lead Designer John Howard for Halo: Combat Evolved. He has since become the lead designer himself for the video game GoldenEye: Rogue Agent. He's come along ways from working as a Quality Assurance Leader that worked on Privateer, Righteous Fire, Armada, Kilrathi Saga and Wing Commander 3.


  • GoldenEye: Rogue Agent goldeneyeforever.com
  • Conquest: Frontier Wars (2001), Ubi Soft Entertainment Software
  • Halo: Combat Evolved (2001), Microsoft Game Studios
  • Wing Commander: Prophecy (1997), Electronic Arts Inc.
  • Wing Commander: The Kilrathi Saga (1996), Electronic Arts Inc.
  • Ultima VIII: Pagan (1994), ORIGIN Systems, Inc.
  • Wing Commander Armada (1994), ORIGIN Systems, Inc.
  • Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (1994), ORIGIN Systems, Inc.
  • Wing Commander: Privateer (1993), Electronic Arts Inc., ORIGIN Systems, Inc.
  • Wing Commander: Privateer - Righteous Fire (1993), ORIGIN Systems, Inc.

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