i beleave in a map,not sure if it was a part of campain or multiplayer,i saw a creature move,in halo 2, and i chased it,when it did not move i got it in my sights and shot it.now and agin i see it but i cant track it b/c it learnd or allready knew how to climb and avoid needlers and dodge rapid fire.we need to track this or these things down and see wat they are.any one whos w/ me e-mail me and we will see if they are flood or forerunners.my e-mail is sonofthegrimreaper@yahoo.com we need to know what they are now and if they can be of use.

I have an issue with the six fingered theory, could it be that there was issue with dominant hands, and with the forerunners predisposition to symmetrical figures that they over-lay the left and right hand? well just a strange theory.