Mining Vehicle?
Its Questionable however if the mining vehicles in First Strike are infact scarabs.
For one thing, the "insect like" machines were easily destroyed in the book, First Strike. This doesn't match with the game. At the end of the New Mombasa level, the Scarab eventually stops and is shot at by Pelicans with rocket pods repeatedly. You'd think those would have destroyed it.
Secondly, the Scarab as we know it from the game has been around much longer then we have heard of its supposed use for mining. I think the mining vehicles were in fact seperate vehicles, not Scarabs. They'd probably call them Scarabs in First Strike if thats what they were.
I think that the Scarab was definitely meant to be a weapon, as indicated in the Halo Graphic Novel. It could have very well have been roaming around New Mombasa trying to clean out as much resistance as possible, (Just like Tripods were annihilating people in War of the Worlds).
The link between the scarab and a mining vehicle is fuzzy, and i don't think it can be postively determined that was it's purpose just yet.
- Can we get confirmation about the mining statement? -- Esemono 07:20, 11 October 2006 (UTC)