Template:Ratings Template:Covenant Rank Infobox Brute Minors are the youngest and most inexperienced Brutes (Jiralhanae) of the Covenant. They are very weak compared to Major Brutes, but still can be challenging, especially on Heroic and Legendary.


The minors in Halo 2 had little or no armour or helmets, though in Halo 3, the Minors have acquired a green with a lustrous blue-green hue Power Armor, though without the shoulder and knee pads, and ankle armour of the higher ranks. They still have chest and back armour, and unlike before, a blue-green helmet.

Combat against Minor Halo 2 Brutes

These Brutes haven't yet earned the right to carry a Brute Shot, which makes confronting them somewhat easier than it's higher ranking counterparts. Since they don't have helmets, it is easy and best to use headshots from a Sniper Rifle, M6C Magnum, Beam Rifle or a Battle Rifle.

They often make tactical errors, such as standing in one place while firing or rushing forward into enemy fire, which one can use to their advantage. They also fire in shorter bursts and have somewhat less accuracy and lower rate of fire. They usually wield Covenant Carbines or Brute Plasma Rifles. Still, it is foolish to underestimate a Brute of any rank.

Brutes Minors in Halo 2 did not wear any armor, except for an occasional helmet.

Bungie Studios was not very happy on the outcomes of the Halo 2 Brutes. They said that they were only damage sponges and weren't as fun to kill as Bungie wanted them to be, because you could simply kill them by standing back and rapidly shooting at them with the Needler.

Combat against Minor Brutes in Halo 3

Much like the Halo 2 Brutes, they are the lowest in rank and therefore do not wield the far more dangerous weapons such as the Gravity Hammer. However, a Brute is dangerous nonetheless and one strange thing is even with their new armor the Halo 2 brutes can take twice the damage but in Halo 2 they are much more vulnerable to headshots, they are far stronger. They most often use Plasma Rifles, Covenant Carbines, and Spikers. In addition, they have turquoise armor. One of the best ways to kill them is to use a charged Plasma Pistol shot on their armor followed with a Battle Rifle headshot. On lower difficulties, to save ammo, you can melee them. However, use extreme caution when combating Brutes in hand to hand combat as even Minors have the ability to kill obstinate players. On lower difficulties if you get one or two minors wielding a non-vicious weapons in between yourself and a Brute with a Brute Shot, the Brute Shot Brute may fire at you, miss, and kill the minors. However, this is merely for fun and should not be regarded as strategy. The Brute minors have the least combat experience and are the easiest Brute warriors to kill. Frag Grenades are an excellent strategy on Legendary, especially when you have U-shaped cover. Attack the Brutes and then run to the other side of your hiding spot, throwing a grenade while the Brutes' attention is directed elsewhere.


  • Although the Brute Shot is reserved for higher ranked Brutes, Minors have been known to wield it on The Covenant.
