A Service Number is a numerical designation given to each member of the UNSC military as a means of identification. Service numbers usually follow a ten-digit format followed by two letters that are sometimes the first and last initials of a person. There is no known exact format for Service Numbers, as some follow this format, while others do not. An example is the SN of Jerald Ander, who uses a previously unknown format of four numbers, followed by three numbers, followed by his initials and a further four number string. It appears that Service Numbers are used in conjunction with UNSCMID numbers, however, the Service Number use is far more widespread than UNSCMID numbers.
Note that the service numbers of members of ONI and the Spartans are classified for security purposes.
Known Service Numbers
- Admiral Roland Freemont: 00745-16778-HS
- Admiral Micheal Stanforth: 00834-19223-HS[1]
- Captain Jacob Keyes: 01928-19912-JK[2]
- Sergeant Major AJ Johnson: 48789-20114-AJ[3]
- Sergeant Thomas Chang: 01866-10032-TC
- Sergeant Caio Zanato: 18221-50020-CZ
- Tech Officer Third Class Sam Marcus: 18827-318209-SM[4]
- Corporal Benjamín M. Nùñez: 71917-91990-BN[5]
- Corproal Robert Grove: 081225-78081-RG
- Corproal James Dessen: 00578-48433-JD
- Ian Callahan: 10056-00245-IC
- Thomas P. Porter: 19190-54121-TP
- Jackson Law: 10082—00055-JL
- Sian Wong: 64040-11144-SW
- Russel Tinnier: 10032-00154-RT
- Thomas C. Meyer: 10072-00026-TM
- Emmanuel Lomax: 66200-16524-EL
- Jerald Ander: 9805-684-JMA4784
- ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 214
- ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 214
- ^ Halo Graphic Novel, Page 122
- ^ Halo: The Flood, page 3
- ^ Halo: Arms Race