Halopedia talk:Halopedian of the Month/07 2010

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According to the Self-Voting Amendment, users may no longer vote for themselves until someone votes for them first.


Before You Vote

  • Only votes from users who have accounts on Halopedia and whose vote are cast while being logged in will count. The account must have been created at least one month before the vote and have at least 50 article edits.
  • For example, if one is voting for HOTM for the month of October then the user must have created their account in July or before July.
  • Votes will be counted for next month. Please vote on the section for next month, because only the votes in that section will be counted.
  • You can vote one time only. If you wish to change your vote, cross out (but do not remove) any previous votes you have made.
  • Please bold your nomination so it is easier to see.
  • In the event of a tie the results from the edit count page will be used as a tie breaker.
  • You must put your vote with your signature in the voting area. In the end votes with signatures are the only ones that will be counted.

October 2009


  • Thunderstream328 - A very mature user. To me, he is modest (maybe a little too modest :P), and a valuable user, undoing many useless edits a day. He is also a veteran user, being here a long time, and, in my opinion, a HOTM-worthy user. --  General5 7    talk    contribs    email   23:17, September 1, 2009 (UTC)
  • DavidJCobb - Gone above and beyond lately in terms of editing, far exceeding what even the most "senior" editors here on Halopedia would just shove away for some others to pick up. Made fantastic contributions, and an overall great guy to work with! User:CommanderTony/Sig
  • DavidJCobb - A per CT, oh my God, he said everything the best way one could. And as per my first comment below. - JEA13 [iTalk] 08:04, September 2, 2009 (UTC)
  • DavidJCobb - His contribution says it all; quality, quantity, verified, standardised.. mostly quality and standardised part Looking forward to completing the Forge Template project. Also one of the best deviants and still loving his custom scripts!- 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 10:58, September 2, 2009 (UTC)
  • DavidJCobb - He has a plethora of high quality edits, and he deserves to be recognized for them. File:UNSC MIC.jpgCaptain MIC 14:40, September 2, 2009 (UTC)
  • DavidJCobb - Very good at rewriting, and fixing articles. He deserves to win this award. SNOR{3} 21:39, September 2, 2009 (UTC)
  • DavidJCobb - As per the reasons above, plus he's just been more active of late than Thunderstream328. -- Rusty-112 00:21, September 3, 2009 (UTC)


Well, i must say that thunderstream has gotten off to a good start!--Strider658369398 File:1207534821 Marathon symbol.gif 23:38, September 1, 2009 (UTC)

True, but keep in mind that this is just the first day. You never know what could happen next ;) --   General5 7    talk    contribs    email   23:58, September 1, 2009 (UTC)
Wow, nice new sig General! - JEA13 [iTalk] 08:02, September 2, 2009 (UTC)
I agree, that's a pretty cool-lookin' sig you got there. It's being line broken, though (at the space in your username); an   oughta fix it, if the break is undesired.   DavidJCobb  22:28, September 2, 2009 (UTC)

Oh my god, you guys messed me up... T328 is a very good friend of mine and a good anti-vandal weapon (at least for the while he has been here this year), but DavidJCobb' "obsession" with perfecting everything he gets involved into and the hours he spends researching and correcting numerous good-looking pages to the perfect quality is what got me to him and it's really good that people (especially amdins) notice that. He is the "new Forerunner", some might say. Although T328 is an awesome vandal fighter and a good friend, I think I will vote for David, I'm sorry buddy :) congrats David! - JEA13 [iTalk] 08:02, September 2, 2009 (UTC)

Thanks for the nomination Gen, but David deserves this more than I do. He has edited more than I have, he's on more often, and he's more mature than me. Thanks anyway. --T 3 2 8 File:Bouncy Wiki Logo.gif 16:10, September 2, 2009 (UTC)

=] Yer way too modest thunderStream!--Strider658369398 File:1207534821 Marathon symbol.gif 20:03, September 2, 2009 (UTC)
You know, usually, people capitalize the first letter on a username, not the middle one. XD - JEA13 [iTalk] 20:24, September 2, 2009 (UTC)
I swear, T328, if you keep saying that I shouldn't have voted for you, I will hogtie you and take you hostage :P Thanks, JEA :D --   General5 7    talk    contribs    email   21:08, September 2, 2009 (UTC)

Thanks for the votes, everyone :D   DavidJCobb  22:28, September 2, 2009 (UTC)

Anyone notice that Sub's vote is almost the same as last month's? --   General5 7    talk    contribs    email   22:34, September 2, 2009 (UTC)

If it ain't broke, don't fix it :P   DavidJCobb  22:50, September 2, 2009 (UTC)
XD Ha, ha. --   General5 7    talk    contribs    email   22:52, September 2, 2009 (UTC)

I love it when I see the new generation of Halopedians edit and comment like hell, they freshen up Halopedia a lot :) - JEA13 [iTalk] 09:16, September 3, 2009 (UTC)

I completly agree with you JEA. - Just Some Guy [Talk To Me] Template:HOTMArchive