A Fire Team of UNSC Marines lead by Gunnery Sergeant Pete Stacker in the Jungles of Africa.

A Fire Team is a small United Nations Space Command military unit of infantry.


The concept of the Fire Team is based on the need for tactical flexibility in infantry operations. They generally consist of approximately four soldiers, although can include up to seven soldiers (i.e. Fireteam Charlie-on Halo ), and are grouped into squads.


A Fire Team is capable of autonomous operations as part of a larger unit. Successful fire team employment relies on quality small unit training for soldiers, experience of Fire Team members operating together, sufficient communications infrastructure, and a quality non-commissioned officer corps to provide tactical leadership for the team. A team is effective so long as its primary weapon remains operational, such as the MA5C ICWS Assault Rifle or BR55 Battle Rifle.


Note: The number of soldiers, their armament, and their roles in the team may vary from fire team to fire team. For example some teams may include a Grenadier or a demolitions expert. The following is just one possibility.

  • Leader: First in command, provides tactical leadership. A Fire Team is usually lead by a Sergeant, such as Sergeant Johnson, but a Corporal can also lead. Usually wields a Rifle but Avery J. Johnson is known to sometimes carry a Sniper Rifle.
  • .Scout: Looks out for any signs of hostile enemy forces. Would normally carry a scoped weapon such as the BR55HB SR Battle Rifle but could possibly carry a Sniper Rifle
  • Rifleman: The most common role in a Fire Team. Several rifleman may be incorporated into a Fire Team and in some situations the only role needed. Usually carries an Assault Rifle or Battle Rifle and provides suppressive fire for the team. However in close quarters it is not uncommon for a rifleman to wield an SMG.
  • Heavy Weapons Specialist: For added firepower against a large number of enemies or vehicles, this soldier will carry a Rocket Launcher, the portable version of the M247 GP Machine Gun, or the more advanced Spartan Laser. In close quarter operations the M90 Shotgun is the prefered weapon of the Heavy weapons specialist.

Known Fire Teams

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