The Seeker of Truth was one of the flagship of the Covenant Fleet of Particular Justice.Interestingly though it was originally Ascendant Justice that was in charge of the fleet.This makes it possible that one of the flagships were a secondary flagship to the Supreme Commander. The then Supreme Commander of the fleet had commandered the mysterious flagship during the campaign at Reach and later Installation 04. The Seeker of Truth is so far, unaccounted for. With no information on its destruction along with other ships in the fleet. It is believed that it is accompanying the rest of the covenant fleet (the ships still under Truth's control)to Earth to end the human race, and begin the 'Great Journey.' It has been speculated in certain fan based fictions that this ship has indeed travelled to earth, but to Onyx previously. Although this is completely the work of the author of the fan fic. (The relevant fan fic can be found on the halo 3 forum on is also possible Seeker of truth was destroyed therefore the Gaurdian of the Luminous Key had to rely on his secondary flasgship Ascendant Justice

Known Crew


  • In I Love Bees, there was a Covenant AI named the Seeker, who had a mantra: "Seek the truth, behold the truth, reveal the truth. That is the law, and the whole of the law."