Combat skin

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Combat Skin is a Forerunner term relating to body armor (either generally or in reference to powered armor). The Forerunners had a classification system for combat skins, running from Class 1 to at least Class 12. According to 343 Guilty Spark, the MJOLNIR armour is ranked on this scale as Class 2.[1]

Armor of the Forerunner

Not much is known about Combat Skin. The term first comes up in Halo in the level Library when 343 Guilty Spark wonders why the Master Chief had brought "such ineffective weapons" to combat the Flood, and recommends that the Chief upgrades from the MJOLNIR armor, which, according to some Forerunner ranking system, the criteria of which is not gone into, is only Class 2. (Note: This takes place before the upgrade mentioned in the beginning of the Halo 2 game). Guilty Spark suggests Master Chief that he upgrade to a Class 12 Combat Skin, which he says is necessary to combat the Flood.

This implies that the Forerunners made extensive use of armor, presumably powered armor, to the extent where there were at least twelve ranks of effectiveness or usability.

What Does the Class System Mean?

Because so little is mentioned about combat skins, there is much speculation about exactly what the combat skin rating indicates. The obvious interpretation is that the combat skin ranking system measures raw power, and that a class 12 combat skin is 10 ranks higher in protection and power than a class 2. This happens to be Master Chief's interpretation; "If there's a battle suit six times more powerful than the MJOLNIR armor, I'll be first in line to try it on."[2]

Another interpretation is that the class system does not measure raw power, but rather classifies armor by its role. Later in the game, 343 talks about the Flood changing the atmosphere and says "Your Environment Suit should serve you well..." It could be a class 2 combat skin functions well as an environment suit, whereas a class 12 combat skin is specifically designed for combating the Flood.

The difference in nomenclature has led some to believe that the two items 343 refers to are different, i.e. armor is an "environment suit" and the body is the "combat skin." Another theory posits that "environment suit" and "combat skin" could be synonyms; another states that a combat skin may also be an environment suit. An example: a HAZMAT suit is an environment suit, but has no further use in combat, while a suit of Kevlar provides physical protection but no environmental protection. The Master Chief's "combat skin" also functions as an "environment suit;" this can overlap with other theories, as a useful environment suit may lack in either pure power or suitability for its role in combat.


  1. ^ Halo: The Flood, page 240
  2. ^ Halo: The Flood, page 240

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