Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack

Revision as of 22:32, October 22, 2009 by Killjax (talk | contribs)

Template:Ratings Template:Game Info Box The Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack was a downloadable content collection, but not technically an expansion pack, to Halo 2. The 20 USD downloadable content collection set was released on July 5, 2005. It is the solution for the downloadable maps and Auto-Updates for non-Xbox Live subscribers (however, this disc was released before the release of Desolation, Tombstone, and Auto-Updates 4 and 5 and therefore does not include them). It contained nine additional multiplayer maps, three Auto-Updates and five videos. This disc was for use on the original Xbox game console, but is now backwards compatible on the Xbox 360.


Halo 2 in-game content and Maps:

Other content:

  • Another Day at the Beach - A three minute Halo 2 side-story cutscene about a squad of marines stranded near Old Mombasa.
  • Halo 2: Killtacular - A documentary on how Bungie Studios made the nine maps included on this disc.
  • Halo: Combat Evolved E3 2000 trailer
  • Halo 2 August 2002 announcement trailer.
  • A very comical audio test video used for testing your surround sound set-up (This video was also in Halo 2 Limited Collector's Edition). An updated version is included in the Halo: Essentials included in Halo 3 Legendary Edition.


  • On Xbox 360 the map pack does not always work. You may have to wait for the maps to download from the game itself.
  • Spawning times vary when playing online.
  • When inserting the disc on Original Xbox, you will sometimes get the DVD error message (You need to connect a DVD Playback Kit receiver to a controller port to watch movies.)
  • There was no map pack released for Halo 2 Vista because the game already included all the maps except for two which were replaced by two other exclusive maps.
  • In the surround sound test video, one may notice that the Grunt and Hunter shown are actually the Halo: Combat Evolved models rather than their Halo 2 models.